Spotify Increases Lyrics Limit for Free Users

Spotify Increases Lyrics Limit for Free Users

Remaining the biggest name in the online music market Spotifyin recent months the lyrics have been “Premium“under had taken.

Spotify has been offering unlimited lyrics only to paid Premium account holders for a while now. The company continues to display lyrics to free account holders, but there A funny limit is applied. Lyrics in free packs has a monthly quota of only three songs and when this quota is exceeded, the words are hidden. This change, which has caused a reaction from many people, has been relaxed as of today. An exact number has not yet been given, but The lyrics limit for free users has probably been increased significantlySpotify reached 626 million streams last week “monthly active user numbers” announced that it has reached the company’s paid “Premium” The number of subscribers is It has reached 246 million. The company, which reported a record operating income of 266 million euros in the last quarter, seems to be more than happy with the current situation. Spotify had previously attracted attention with a comment system focused on podcasts. The company, which aims to strengthen the connection between listeners and content creators with its comment system, will hide comments by default. For this reason, content creators, They will need to individually approve the comments they want to appear under their podcast episodes.. Creators will be able to enable comments for their entire shows or for specific podcast episodes. There will also be the option to disable the comment feature entirely. Creators in select countries will be able to manage comments via the Spotify for Podcasters web app starting today. The infrastructure will be rolled out to everyone over time.

