Spotify decided to replace the “heart” button

Spotify decided to replace the heart button

NFT in Spotify

The biggest name in the online music market Spotifythis time with an interface change on the agenda.

Spotify long-established “heart” button replaces “+It releases the ” button. Making a statement on this subject, the company officially stated the following: “From today we are combining the heart button and the add to playlist icon into one symbol: “(+)”. Press the new plus (+) button and you will be able to save any song, playlist or podcast by selecting its target with a single tap. This change is the latest step in our work to create a more intuitive user experience and provides an easier way to interact with the music and podcasts you love.” Although it is not a huge change, the dual-purpose “+” button prepared within the scope of this step, which seems useful, will be activated for everyone soon.


Spotify before that, it made a sound with an NFT step. Within the last week, the era of playlists that can be listened to with NFT has started within the platform. First in the Android app of the service and in certain countries (USA, UK, Germany, Australia and New Zealand) for testing purposes, the new period seems logical in making NFTs functional and creates the impression that it will bring a double win. The company that started this issue through KINGSHIP and Overlord, for example here the custom made playlist only KINGSHIP’s “Key Card” It is open to people who have the NFT. To verify the NFT, people must submit to Spotify. Metamask, Trust Wallet, Rainbow, Ledger Live And zerion It needs to connect crypto wallets such as This feature is not expected to come to Apple soon because it is not expected for now. Apple has very strict rules when it comes to crypto.

Spotify It had come to the fore with its DJ feature, which made a lot of noise before. to all the details Here our new place Spotify feature DJis built on an artificial intelligence-centered infrastructure. The DJ, whose promotional video is above, was quoted by the company as “A whole new way to listen to music and connect more deeply with the artists you love on SpotifyIt is introduced as “. Developed in partnership with OpenAI behind ChatGPT, the DJ is a personalized AI that knows you and your music tastes well, according to the firm. can choose music that you might really like.
