Spotify Car Thing, specially designed for automobiles, is on sale

Spotify Car Thing specially designed for automobiles is on sale

Spotify Car Thing

1716501368 452 Spotify Car Thing specially designed for automobiles is on sale

It is the world’s largest online music service. SpotifyToday Again Spotify Car Thing is on the agenda with.

Spotify Car Thing, If you haven’t seen it before, it is a device for use directly inside the car. The company’s first hardware product Car Thing, In the first stage, it was put into use based in the USA and, interestingly, free It was distributed as. In the process, people only had to pay for the cargo. In this way, the company carried out serious testing before offering the product for commercial sale. If later US based Commercial sales started as A retail price of $90 was requested. It is a voice controlled product. Car Thing, It communicates with phones via Bluetooth and allows people to control their music on-site rather than on their phones. As you can see above, the device has a color touch screen and a large rotatable physical button. The device, which also has a standard button, can be connected to cars wirelessly or via cable if desired. The device, which does not include a speaker, was found to be especially useful for old cars. What brought the product to the agenda now was the news of a surprising death. It will be retired on December 9 due to low demand and supply chain issues (It will also stop working) officially announced Car ThingAfter that date, it will literally be an electronic waste. In fact, the company has already announced December 9 to Car Thing owners. then dispose of their devices in accordance with local electronic waste guidelines. suggests.

