Spotify brings new buttons for paid subscribers

Spotify brings new buttons for paid subscribers

New double building


existing unified structure

The most important name in the online music market Spotify, will make an update that will improve the user experience in the app announced.

today in details here Turkey’s price hike, which we have included, has made a sound Spotify, soon only paid Premium subscribers will do a design update for As part of this update, the now unified play and shuffle buttons will be separated. Stating that they will offer a more user-friendly use with two different buttons in line with the change that you can see in the gallery above, the company said that the new period will come in the coming days. iOS and Android It states that it will be activated for everyone on the side. The company, which still continues to use the existing structure in Turkey, continues to please consumers with such small steps.

Spotify It is still the biggest name in the market. Firm at the end of 2021 more than 180 million reached the paid subscriber. The number of monthly active users of the company of 406 million was on it. Service total in the first quarter of 2022 182 million reached paid subscribers. The number of monthly active users of the company in the first quarter of 2022 to 422 million up to it.


In the second quarter results of 2022 announced last week, 188 million It was reported that the paid subscriber was reached. If the total number of users 433 million level has been reached. Constantly increasing the number of its subscribers, the company has difficulties in turning it into a profit.


The existing unified structure will be changed soon, the buttons will be separated from each other.
