Sports activities at work, or the opportunity to improve the state of health of employees

Sports activities at work or the opportunity to improve the

In recommendations published last March, the National Academy of Medicine judges “ important to consider the level of physical activity and physical inactivity at work as determinants of health “. Indeed, physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle, which are constantly increasing in Western countries, are known to affect health and life expectancy.

Have you ever exercised at work to feel better? According to a recent study by Alan, a company that offers solutions related to well-being in companies, and Harris interactive, 49% of private sector employees face a psychological difficulty. The study speaks of pressure, work overload, understaffing. Three quarters of employees surveyed by Alan say they are tired and the figures are slightly higher among the youngest. Can sports in the workplace remedy this problem? And to the equally important one concerning the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle?

Recognized benefit on the prevention of chronic diseases

In recommendations published last March, the National Academy of Medicine judges “ important to consider the level of physical activity and physical inactivity at work as determinants of health “. For the moment, few companies and administrations offer their employees the opportunity to play sports. Even if physical activity has a recognized benefit in the prevention of chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.) and work-related pathologies, from low back pain to burn-out.

According to a recent report by outgoing MPs Aude Amadou (LREM) and Maud Petit (MoDem), only one in five companies (18%) offers physical activity to its employees. “ So far, it is primarily athletes, accustomed to practicing a sport, who benefit from the offer offered by their company โ€œ, note the two deputies. To attract audiences furthest removed from sport, they suggest talking about physical and sporting activity (PSA) in order to evoke “ health and well-being without necessarily recalling the dimension of competition and performance ” Sport.

Absenteeism would be reduced by 5.6%

If physical activity is more widespread in large companies, it is not so in VSEs (less than ten employees) which constitute 96% of the French economic fabric. The practice of an APS in the workplace is also beneficial for employers and public expenditure, details the report of the deputies, referring to a 2015 study carried out in particular by the Medef. When the employee practices APS regularly, absenteeism (which costs 60 billion euros each year and corresponds to 17.2 days of absence per employee) would be reduced by 5.6% and health expenditure by more than 300 euros per year. And productivity would jump 6% to 9%.

Largely positive return on investment for employers

In France, two recent surveys have estimated that 37-39% of people aged 18 to 74-79 have a level of physical activity considered ” weak ยป, and more among women (46-47%) than among men (27-30%). However, the data from these two national surveys do not make it possible to identify either the share of the population in professional activity or the relationship between the type of job and the low level of activity. Moreover, these surveys estimate that 40-41% of adults aged 18 to 64 spend more than 7 hours per day in a seated position.

The regular practice of sport has certain obstacles, including the lack of time and the absence of dedicated facilities near the home. This is why the workplace can be a privileged place for the organization of physical activities, the forms of which can vary depending on the facilities in and near the workplace. “ If the proposed activity is accessible and attractive so that employees adhere to it in a sustainable way, the return on investment is largely positive for employers, resulting in a reduction in absenteeism and health benefits. โ€œ, concludes the latest report from the National Academy of Medicine.
