Sport as therapy against depression in adolescents

Sport as therapy against depression in adolescents


Miguel Angel Fernandez

Coordination and editing:

Javier Silles

moderate physical exercise

is a protective factor

for the development of disorders

Mental disorders such as anxiety and depression

-Celso Arango-

Head of the Psychiatry Service

of the Child and the Adolescent

and director of the Institute of Psychiatry

and Mental Health of the General Hospital

Gregorio Marañón University

depression in adolescents

Symptoms of depression, in general,

Not only in adolescents, but also in

adults, are a depressed mood,

that is, sadness, hopelessness, a feeling

of emptiness and the loss of interest to carry out

activities. These callsigns can

help detect that a daughter or son

You may be going through a depression.

Some common symptoms
