Sport and Covid: school, mask, indoors, measures in January

Sport and Covid school mask indoors measures in January

Faced with the 5th wave of Covid and the spread of Omicron in France, the rules for sport have been updated for the month of January 2022. What new measures at school? In a club ? Indoors ? For minors? Where is the mask required? When do you need a health pass? Know everything.

[Mis à jour le 10 janvier 2022 à 18h19] Given the epidemic rebound and the exponential spread of the Omicron variant in France, new, stricter health measures, updated on January 6, 2022 on the website of the Ministry of Sports came into force for the practice of sport to preserve the activity of practitioners such as halls, clubs and equipment managers. These restrictions are currently applicable until 24 january 2022. Here are the main new features:

  • From January 15, 2022 and subject to adoption by Parliament, the vaccination pass will replace the health pass.
  • the wearing a mask becomes mandatory again and it is formally forbidden to withdraw it even temporarily in indoor and outdoor sports facilities (ERP X and PA), except when practicing sports and when it is effectively supervised.
  • Reception conditions in sports arenas are also changing, with a limitation to 2,000 people for events organized indoors and 5,000 people outdoors
  • The consumption of food and drink is prohibited in sports areas.

At school, according to the level 3 protocol, the sport must be practiced outdoors and indoors in bad weather, respecting the wearing a mask and a distance of 2 meters. Collective and combat sports are therefore not authorized within the school framework. Since November 29, the validity period of PCR and antigen tests is reduced to 24 hours for the health pass. What rules for sports halls? What gauges for team sports? The competitions ? The stages ? What protocol in swimming pools? What rules for minors? Know everything.

What rules for sport at school?

In a December 6 conference, Jean Castex announced that the health protocol in primary schools was level 3 (orange level). Wearing a mask is therefore compulsory outdoors and indoors for all students. In principle, physical and sporting activities take place outdoors. However, when indoor practice is essential (bad weather, availability of facilities, etc.), only low intensity activities compatible with the wearing a mask and a distance of 2 meters are authorized.

Rules for school sport © Sports.gouv

In the school context, contact sports are not allowed, indicates level 3 of the school protocol. Concretely, are considered as contact sports all the sports for which the pupils are likely to come into contact such as team sports, judo, wrestling, martial arts … In clubs, contact sports remain a priori authorized.

What rules for team sports?

Level 3 protocol in schools prohibits indoor and contact sports, so team sports are not allowed in schools. The protocol recommends a distance of 2 meters outdoors. On the other hand, they are a priori possible in a club.

For whom is the health pass compulsory?

Minors over 12 years oldHealth Pass obligation in ERP X and ERP PA except for activities not subject to declaration or prefectural authorization organized in the public space.
MajorHealth Pass obligation in ERP X and ERP PA except for activities not subject to declaration or prefectural authorization organized in the public space.
School or university sports (adults or minors)Health Pass exemption for students (adults or minors) and their teachers in all the usual PE teaching places: swimming pools, gymnasiums, etc.
High level and professional (athletes registered on the ministerial lists Elite, Senior, Succession …)Health Pass obligation for athletes who practice in indoor ERP (ERP X) and outdoor (ERP PA). Exemption for sports competitions and events (other than ERP) subject to a declaration or authorization procedure. Exemption not applicable if high level or professional athletes compete simultaneously with amateur athletes. In this case, the health pass is imposed on everyone.
Volunteers and employees welcoming the public in public buildings and relevant events (major or minor)Health Pass obligation
SpectatorsHealth Pass obligation from the 1st person

ERP PA: Establishment open to the public (stadium, tennis court, football pitch, outdoor swimming pools, racetracks, etc.)

ERP X: Enclosed and covered sports establishment, sports hall, skating rink, merry-go-round, indoor swimming pool, convertible or mixed, multi-purpose sports hall of less than 1,200 m² or with a ceiling height of more than 6.50 m

► The health pass is conditional on presentation: of a complete vaccination schedule; a negative PCR or antigen test of less than 24 hours since 11/29; or a certificate of recovery from Covid-19.

Where is the wearing of a mask compulsory?

ERP PA and ERP XIn addition to the health pass, wearing a mask is mandatory again in indoor and outdoor sports equipment (ERP X and PA), except at the time of the practice of sport and its effective supervision.
Public space (including beaches, body of water and lakes)The departmental prefect can, by decree, make it compulsory if necessary. It must be worn continuously, except when playing sports.
SpectatorsWearing a mask compulsory from the 1st person

In the absence of wearing a mask, and without prejudice to the rules which make it compulsory, the distance is increased to two meters. Wearing a mask is compulsory in air terminals, airplanes, passenger ships, public transport vehicles, stations, specifies the new protocol.

Measures for sport
Rules for sport © Ministry of Sports

What rules for gauges?

Minors over 12 years oldAll practices are permitted. No limitation of participants (except by prefectural decree) regardless of the place of practice (ERP X, ERP PA, public space).
MajorAll practices are permitted. No limitation of participants (except by prefectural decree) regardless of the place of practice (ERP X, ERP PA, public space).

The number of people accommodated cannot exceed 2,000 in indoor sports establishments and 5,000 in outdoor establishments. The organizer enforces the physical distance between spectators according to the regulations in force (law and protocols). These provide for a physical distance of 2 meters in a closed environment and outdoors when wearing a mask is not possible. A physical distance of at least one meter must be respected in all places and in all circumstances. It is recommended that a minimum distance of one seat be left between the seats occupied by each seated person or each group of up to 10 people coming together.

What rules for children?

The presentation of the health pass has become compulsory from 12 years old, on September 30, 2021, for access sports equipment, for practice in club and in competitions. It is not compulsory for sports practiced within the framework of the school (PE lessons, gymnasiums, swimming pools …) since schools are not subject to the presentation of the health pass. Young people who are 12 years old during the year have 2 months to present their health pass in order to give them time to complete their vaccination schedule. The PCR and antigen tests remain free for minors.

What protocol for skiing?

  • Wearing a mask, Afnor approved (or filtering and approved blow tower) is compulsory from 11 years old:

– On the ski lifts (except the ski lifts)

– In the queues organized by the operator

– In the crowds around the ski lifts

  • No gauge and / or capacity limitation of the ski lifts.
  • Compulsory health pass for ski lift users from 12 year
  • The ski school instructors will check the students’ health passes over 12 years old at the start of the course. If the health pass is not presented, access to the course will not be authorized.

What rules at the swimming pool?

Since June 9, 2021, the swimming pools are open. They are accessible on condition of presenting a health pass for people 12 years of age and over. On site, the collective changing rooms are open and there is no maximum gauge.

Can we play sports after a Covid vaccine?

Like all vaccines, Covid vaccines are linked to a risk of adverse effects after the injection and require certain precautions. For example, take into account the fatigue that may occur after the injection (the primary vaccination or the booster dose). And avoid very high intensity sports on the day of the vaccination.


– Health decisions applicable to sport from January 6, 2022. Ministry of Sports.

– Resumption of sport: all that is possible alone or in a club,, August 31, 2020
