Sport: 6 exercises to do at home in bad weather

Sport 6 exercises to do at home in bad weather

The cold and bad weather should not discourage you from playing sports at home, in order to maintain your tone and your figure. Here are some ideas and tips for building muscle and exercising indoors.

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Some exercises to do at home to keep in shape when the weather is too cold or rainy to exercise outside.

4 quick and effective exercises

If we were to remember just four quick and effective exercises for building the whole body at home, we would keep the squat, theexercise plank to activate the abdominals and pecs, the chair against a Wall to work the thighs and legs, and finally the lunges to strengthen the glutes and hamstrings.

Thus, we can concoct a program of muscle building runs by chaining these different exercises quietly in the heat. According to his schedule and his preference, we plan his routine ofcoaching in the morning or in the evening. To start, we try to repeat 30 times each movement (squat, lunge) or hold the position (plank, chair) for at least 30 seconds, then increase the time gradually up to one minute, then two minutes.

Skipping rope

You don’t have the courage to go for a run or ride your bike in the cold ? The jumping rope is the practical pull-on accessory to burn calories and build a dream figure without leaving home. The result is tapered legs, shapely glutes, cellulite reduction and circulation activation while having fun. To start, we practice a minute of rope, followed by a minute of rest. Then we extend the exercise time up to 15 minutes while reducing the break times.

Yoga postures

Adept or not of yoga, practicing a few postures can help you relax, stretch you deeply and gain flexibility. If you prefer to be coached, you can follow sessions via an online course platform (Casayoga, Qee, MyYogaconnect). The proposed formulas are ideal for cocooning in winter.

The most effective postures will target the lower back, the back of the legs and the stomach to unlock the tensions. The pincer posture, for example, allows the back of the legs to be stretched intensely. The goal is to put your bust on your legs stretched forward, leaning as much as possible for two or three minutes.

To work the back, we will favor twists of the spine like the twist of the bust: on his carpet, we place his right foot on his left thigh. Then we gate his right arm at the back of the body. As you breathe out, you turn your chest and neck to the right, looking far back. We reproduce the movement on the other side.

What you must remember

  • Indoors, it is possible to do weight training exercises.
  • The jump rope allows a good energy expenditure.
  • Yoga can be practiced with the help of online classes.

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