Spleen: definition, role of this organ, diagram, anatomy

Spleen definition role of this organ diagram anatomy

The spleen is an organ of the abdomen, one of whose roles is to store lymphocytes and monocytes, cells that ensure the protection of the organism. What is it for ? Why feel it?

What is the definition of spleen?

The spleen is a abdominal organ located under the diaphragm and at the left stomach. It weighs about 200 grams, for 12 centimeters long, 7 wide and 4 thick on average. She can sometimes palpate when enlargedin which case we speak of splenomegalyat the level of the left hypochondrium, upper left part of the abdomen.

What is the role of the spleen?

The role of the spleen, long misunderstood, is extremely important. Indeed, it is a lymphoid organ, that is to say that it stores lymphocytes and monocytes, cells which ensure the protection of the organism (immune system). In case of infection, the spleen will release into the blood millions of immune cells which will fight pathogens. The spleen plays another role: production of blood cells, like bone marrow. Among its functions, it plays a major role in the immune system, the body’s defense system, by manufacturing some of its cells. It is also for this reason thatit sometimes increases in volume in infections or diseases where the white blood cells are in excess. The spleen also has a function of blood purification by eliminating deficient red blood cells, platelet storage and in the fetus, blood cell synthesis. The spleen is well explored using an ultrasound, possibly a scanner.

Diagram of the spleen

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Why palpate the spleen?

Palpation of the spleen is a medical examination carried out by a doctor in the event of suspected pathology in the spleen. Palpation of the spleen can determine the spleen volume, especially if it has increased. This is called splenomegaly. A palpation of the spleen is generally advised in case of pain in the spleen, particularly in the left hypochondrium, associated with breathing difficulties and increased cardiac output.

What are spleen tests?

The specialist performs a clinical examination and palpates the spleen by hand to see if its volume is increased. An ultrasound, scanner or scintigraphy can also be performed in order to have an overview of the organ.

What are diseases of the spleen?

If the spleen can be located on palpation, it means that it is pathological. We then speak of splenomegaly when the spleen is palpable. It is the most common manifestation of diseases that affect this organ. The spleen can also be affected by Hodgkin’s disease, cancer of the lymphatic system. Another cancer of the lymphatic system, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma can also affect the spleen. In some cases, patients may suffer from spleen cyst (the epidermoid cyst develops especially in young girls).

Validated by Pr Robert Benamouzig, gastroenterologist and hepatologist.
