Spider-Man makes hospital children smile in Spain | Foreign countries

Spider Man makes hospital children smile in Spain Foreign countries

The children of the hospital in Malaga were delighted when Spider-Man was hanging behind the window.

Children at a hospital in Malaga, Spain got a pleasant surprise on Monday when Spider-Man waved at them from behind the window. In a departure from his normal behavior, Spider-Man agreed to reveal his identity.

A police officer was revealed behind the mask Eduardo Balboa. As all Spider-Man knows, with great power comes great responsibility.

– It’s a gift for me when I make the children smile. Otherwise, they are miserable because they can’t spend Christmas at home due to their health problems, says Balboa.

It’s not the first time Balboa has been on board with Hämi. He started making children happy nine years ago together with the Olivares Foundation.

The foundation says on its website that it helps children with cancer. Balboa says he was inspired by an American man who dressed up as the Man of Steel to cheer up his own sick child.
