Speedway: After tough times – Fredrik Lindgren took SM gold in speedway: “Incredibly good feeling”

Fredrik Lindgren started the season well, with a third place in the WC premiere in Croatia.

After that it has been more difficult, and at the last two World Cup competitions he has not even reached the semi-finals.

But maybe he has found his way back to great form. This evening he won his fourth individual SM gold, at home in Västervik.

– I leave here with an incredibly good feeling, he says to SVT Sport.

Considering what has happened recently, what does this mean for you?

– I think the confidence is starting to creep back, and hopefully I can take it to Prague this weekend at the next WC competition.

21-year-old dished in the final

Although Lindgren took a fairly comfortable victory in the end, the final was not without drama.

This when Filip Hjelmland went to the back after being hit by the 21-year-old rascal Philip Hellström-Bängs, who was washed up – and did not agree with the verdict.

– I feel that it was a “race incident”. So bring back all four. But he thinks he gets a stab and that I run him down, he tells SVT Sport, and continues:

– But I didn’t even see him and didn’t know he was on that side. It is a tough verdict and tough for me, he says.

Second place went to Kim Nilsson, who thus gets a wild card to the WC sub-competition in Målilla in June.
