Speedster Saaga-Angelia Raudasoja got a ball in her face and broke her cheekbone – doesn’t think a protective net is necessary

Speedster Saaga Angelia Raudasoja got a ball in her face and

Manse PP’s Saaga-Angelia Raudasoja is craving her first SM gold. A few weeks ago, Raudasoja, who approaches the sport with passion, received a violent blow to his face.

Tampere Manse PP goes to the women’s Superpesi quarterfinals as the regular season winner. One of Mansen’s mainstays is Saga-Angelia Raudasoja20. The forward is confident about the future.

– We have a really high-quality team with width. We are a united team with a strong work ethic that is hard to beat.

Raudasao will be seen at least through August in a different game pattern than usual, as a metal mesh is attached to his helmet to protect his face. The procedure is necessary because Raudasoja received a hard punch in the face in the front court in the match against Lapua Virkiä at the end of July.

– I didn’t feel any pain when the ball hit, only a couple of swear words.

Read also: In the Women’s Supernest, Manse defeated Päsäbarhut in the final round of the regular season

The hit caused a nasty impact. Raudasoja’s cheekbone was broken, and other facial bones were also broken. However, luck was involved in the flea market.

– The fractures are straight and not fragmented. My face doesn’t need an operation, the bones should heal on their own.

Despite his hit, he does not recommend protective netting for frontcourt players.

– I don’t think it’s necessary. When there is visual contact with the ball, there is no problem. There are still fields where the background of the home net causes some problems when it comes to seeing the ball.

Strong competitive spirit

Even as a small junior, Raudasosa was sure that he would become a major league player. Purposeful training is still an essential part of what Raudasoja does, it is the cornerstone of everything for him.

Has worked as Raudasoja’s personal coach for two years Manu Vartia. Mansen’s physical trainer, a former multi-athlete, also plays an important role Tiia Hautala. Manselainen is one of the fastest in the series, if not even the fastest. He has clocked 30 meters from the spot to 3.93 seconds.

– In addition to speed, a good forward must also read the game and have audacity. Even though I’ve always been quite cheeky between nests, I feel that I’ve still improved in that. Sports training is of course extremely important. Physics and sport must work together.

The benefits of speed have been seen on the field: Raudasoja has won two consecutive titles of the queen of the vanguard. In the Superpesis regular season, he scored a total of 57 runs.

Manse PP will meet Vaasa’s Mailattare in the quarterfinals, Pesäkarhut will face Rauma’s Fera, Seinäjoki’s Maila-Jussit will face Joensuu’s Maila and Kirittäret will face Lapua’s Virkiä.

shows the final matches of Superpesis from the third final onwards.
