Specialty lessons: from May 11 to 13, schedule

Specialty lessons from May 11 to 13 schedule

The baccalaureate specialty exams take place on May 11, 12 and 13. How will high school students pass these first baccalaureate exams? We take stock.

[Mise à jour du 9 mai 2022 à 12h23]. High school students start baccalaureate exams with specialist teaching (EDS)which will take place this year May 11-13. Here are the different specialties chosen by future graduates according to the general or technological route, as well as the modalities of these tests, which, depending on the speciality, are supplemented by oral tests or evaluation of experimental skills. In total this year, 523,199 candidates will take the specialist education exams in France (including 7,762 individual candidates). Among these high school students, there are 381,221 candidates for the general route and 141,978 candidates for the technological route, specifies the Ministry of National Education in a press release dated May 9, 2022.

What are the dates of the specialty courses?

Specialty exams We have been postponed from March to May 2022 due to the health crisis, as the Ministry of National Education explained last January: “In order to preserve equal treatment between candidates and to allow everyone to calmly prepare for the tests in the current health context, adjustments to the sessions have been decided”. This year, the specialty tests will take place:

  • May 11, 12 and 13 for mainland France, Reunion, Antilles-Guyana;
  • May 18, 19 and 20 for Mayotte.

Specialty lessons: what is it?

Specialty courses aim to prepare high school students for the success of their higher education. Followed during high school, from the second, these specialties will thus teach the basics of a field or a profession which will then be deepened at the end of high school by the choice of an appropriate orientation.

Each candidate has chosen two specialty courses which are the subject of one test per day. The high school student is therefore convened over two days (one day per event). “The subjects comply with the limiting program of each discipline and with the expectations of the final year class” explains the ministry. This year, given the health situation, the government has decided to adjust the specialty subjects for this 2022 season, so that “candidates can have a choice of questions or exercises”.

Specialty lessons: summons and day of the test

It is recommended to arrive at the test center 30 minutes before the start of the test. Beyond the start time of the test, only the head of the center can authorize, on an exceptional basis, access to the composition room, without overtime.

When to choose your specialty courses?

In both general and technological pathways, 3 specialties must be chosen by the students during the second year. These 3 specialties are also practiced during the year of first then the student will have to keep 2 of them which will count among the exams of the baccalaureate.

What are the different specialties for the general baccalaureate?

  • Arts: Circus arts, Visual arts, Cinema-audiovisual, Dance, History of the arts, Music, Theater
  • History-geography, geopolitics, political science
  • Humanity, literature, philosophy: Literature and languages ​​and cultures of Antiquity, Foreign and regional languages, literatures and cultures
  • Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry, Analysis, Probability, Algorithms and Programming
  • Numerical and computer sciences
  • Chemical Physics
  • Economics and social sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Life and earth sciences
  • Physical Education, Sports Practices and Culture

New teaching gradually implemented since 2021 from the first class, the specialty “Physical Education, Sports Practices and Culture” will combine practical and theoretical content. It will offer broader perspectives than sports education by also allowing you to learn about health and well-being professions in particular.

What are the specialties for the technological baccalaureate?


  • Health and social science and technology


  • Biochemistry-biology- biotechnology
  • Physical and chemical sciences in the laboratory


  • Conception and creation in design and crafts


  • Physics-chemistry and mathematics


  • law and economics


  • Scientific education in food and environment (ESAE)
  • Economy – hotel management


  • Practice

How are the corrections of the specialty tests carried out?

The correctors in charge of evaluating the copies of the teaching of specialties will be able to benefit froma discharge time with four half-days as much as possible to make the corrections. This package will be usable, at the choice of the teacher after agreement of the head of the establishment, between May 17 and June 3.

Their selection is made according to their appetite for the specialties offered but also according to their degree of motivation. Similarly, the knowledge that your child wishes to deepen and his orientation project in higher education. will guide him in his choice. Finally, of course, getting information beforehand and discussing it with their main teacher will allow them to make more informed choices. Also practical, Onisep has developed an application called Horizons21.com for second graders. These latter can “to test the combinations of specialist teaching and the fields of training and professions on which these teachings can lead”, assures the Ministry of Education on its website. Finally, rest assured, the choice of a specialty does not in any way prevent access to training, the specialties are used to experiment first and foremost with what he likes or not.
