specialty, common core, continuous assessment… We take stock

specialty common core continuous assessment We take stock

REFORM OF THE BAC. Abolition of general streams, lists of specialties to choose from for future graduates… Here is the key information on the reform of the baccalaureate and high school implemented in 2020.

[Mis à jour le 10 mai 2022 à 13h18] The 2022 baccalaureate is a new baccalaureate, after the reform of the famous exam launched in 2020. The new formula, in which the L, ES and S series have disappeared, is based on a “common core”, supplemented by specialties chosen by the student himself, from the Première of the general high school. The First ones also suffered the plasters of the new formula baccalaureate from January 2020, with the start of the “continuous control tests of the baccalaureate”, says “E3C”. It is indeed during the Back to School Monday, September 2, 2019 that the high school and baccalaureate reform began to be applied to high school.

The 2022 baccalaureate must therefore include 60% final control and 40% continuous control. In practice, three specialties must now be chosen in first class, and two in terminal class (which future graduates must select from their first year). A way, we argue rue de Grenelle, to offer “à la carte” routes. Consult below the list of new specialties and subjects of the common core, that of the best estimated outlets and other key details on the reform of the bac and high school.

► Consult the page of the Ministry of Education devoted to new baccalaureate

Special page

This page describes the high school and baccalaureate reform as it should be applied under normal conditions. Consult our article on Bac 2022 to find out about the arrangements related to Covid-19.

According to the government, the objective of the reform of the baccalaureate is clear: to simplify the course and “to give the means to high school students to plan for success in higher education”. In summary, three key elements overlap to form the new baccalaureate:

In first and last year, students follow, from the start of the 2019 school year, a common core evaluated at 16 hours of teaching per week in the general track, 13 to 14 hours in the technological track:

  • French (in 1st)
  • History geography
  • Moral and civic education
  • Living language A and living language B
  • Physical education and sport
  • Science education (general) / mathematics (technological)
  • Philosophy (in terminal)

Reform of the baccalaureate and specialties

Twelve specialties are now in place for the general baccalaureate. Future graduates must therefore choose three in première and two in terminale class. Students have 4 hours of lessons per week per specialty in première then 6 hours of lessons per week per specialty in terminale. This list mixes more or less traditional disciplines:

  • Arts
  • Biology & ecology
  • History-geography, geopolitics and political science
  • Humanities, literature and philosophy
  • Languages
  • Literature, Languages ​​and Cultures of Antiquity
  • Math
  • Numerical and computer science
  • Chemical Physics
  • Life and earth sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Economics and social sciences

Not all high schools offer all specialties. Enough to make high school students and parents very nervous. Will you now have to change establishments to follow the specialty of your choice? What if a high school offers specialties that offer few outlets after the baccalaureate? These questions are obviously not unrelated to the anger that spread in high schools in December 2019, with hundreds of blockages, but also fires and damage. On December 16, during the Grand rendez-vous Europe 1, Les Echos, CNews, the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer tried to reassure him: he assured then that in “the vast majority of high schools” ( 92% approximately according to the ministry), the seven most common specialties will be guaranteed, with “one or two others” in addition. The academies also argue, according to the Figaro Studentthat it will be possible for students to follow the specialties that interest them in another establishment in the event of a limited offer in their own establishment… The ministry specifies that students will also be able to follow the teaching if necessary of certain specialties remotely.

From the 2021 baccalaureate, a continuous control share of 40% on the final mark of the baccalaureate has been integrated from the first general and technological class, clarified the Ministry of Education at the end of 2019. Objective? “Add more value to the work of students and their progress”. Continuous assessment must take into account both the results of the school report (10% of the continuous assessment mark) and the results to be three series of continuous control tests, the “E3C” (30% of the continuous assessment mark). The ministry specifies that the subjects of the continuous assessment tests will be drawn from a national bank, that the copies will be anonymous and that the teachers will not correct those of their students, all in order to “guarantee the national character of the examination”.

And on the calendar?

  • the first series of continuous assessment tests runs from the end of January to mid-March, according to the timetables defined by each institution. On the menu, history-geography (2h), the two living languages ​​(2x1h) and mathematics (2h) for the technological sector.
  • The second series of E3C premieres runs from mid-April to mid-June. It will concern the same disciplines but will be supplemented by specialty education n°3, not retained in terminale, and scientific education for general pathways.
  • Finally, the third series of common continuous assessment tests takes place in terminale, from May to June, and concerns the same subjects as for the last series, except for specialty education n°3.

Consult the section dedicated to continuous assessment on the “QuandJePasseLeBac” website to prepare you serenely for the continuous assessment tests and discover the interactive calendar of the tests, as well as practical advice on how to pass them.

According to the report of the Dares (Research, Studies and Statistics Department) entitled “Jobs in 2022” and published in April 2015, the best job openings in this area are for nursing assistants, IT specialists, sales executives (and technical-commercial) / administrative / accounting / financial, teachers, childminders, study and research staff (scientific professions), consulting professions / vocational training / communication, home helpers, computer and telecommunications engineers, technicians administrative/accounting/financial services, salespeople, maintenance workers, vehicle drivers, nurses and midwives, cooks, hotel and restaurant employees, cultural and sports activities, skilled workers (in particular in high-tech sectors such as energy, aeronautics or mechanics, but also in construction), skilled finishing workers (electricians, carpenters workers, plumbers…), senior technicians and supervisors in machine maintenance or car maintenance, banking and insurance executives, hairdressers, beauticians.

The website Successlife.netan orientation webzine dedicated to 16-25 year olds, lists the following recruiting professions, in order to help young people refine their professional project to obtain the best opportunities and choose, why not, their specialties accordingly:

  • Elevator technician
  • computer scientist
  • Developer
  • web designer
  • fiber optic technicians
  • eyewear optician
  • Commercial and sales professions
  • Finance and accounting professions
  • Transport professions
  • Army trades
  • Aeronautical industry jobs
  • Engineer
  • Catering trades (fishmonger, butcher)
  • Hearing aid specialist
  • HVAC engineering and roofing, plumbing
  • Energy and electrical industry technicians
  • Retail banking professions
  • Mechanical trades
  • Statisticians
  • Insurance
  • Department managers
  • Nuclear industry
  • New Internet professions (webmaster, multimedia project manager, etc.)
  • Air traffic professions
  • Logistics professions
