Sports reached the Swedish Finnish Transport Agency, which confirms that they are dealing with the complaint. Jari-Matti Latvala, Toyota’s team manager, has only heard from the World Championship promoter.
19: 47 • Updated 20:27
Over the Swedish World Rally in Umeå, there are still gray clouds floating. The threat is that all special tests for the closing day of the rally have to be canceled.
The Sámi village of Rans has complained about the permits received by three special stages. Telling Svt. The provincial government previously gave the World Rally permission to organize special stages.
However, the Sámi village of Rans has appealed to the Swedish Finnish Transport Agency of the decision of the provincial government and hopes to cancel certain specialty.
The Sámi village wants to give up twice on Saturday’s special stages and the Västervik’s special stages and Power Stagen as Sunday’s special stages. The latter clip is also driven once on Saturday.
According to the complaint, special tests cannot be used for reindeer herding during the rally. However, reindeer have been observed in the areas. According to the complaint, special tests cannot be driven if there are reindeer in the vicinity.
The Sámi village proposes that the permission of the rally be conditioned. If there is reindeer herding in the vicinity of the competition route, it should be closed seven days before the competition.
According to the Sámi village, the problem is not only special tests, but also the transitions to them are in the reindeer herding area. The Sámi village was badly disappointed with the original permit decision of the Provincial Office.
According to the Sámi village, the municipality of Umeå and the organizers of the Swedish Rally There is no long -term contract With Rans to organize special tests in the area, although this is required by the complaint in the agreement between the organizers of Umeja and the Swedish Rally.
From the municipality, the Sámi village of Rans has already demanded compensation for the damage caused by the rally.
– We have not been contacted by the Finnish Transport Agency. The rally is held, let’s see if we need to change something, the Swedish World Rally Championship Director Erik Åström Comment to SVT on Friday.
Transport Agency for Sports: The decision has not yet been made
Sports approached the organizers of the Swedish World Rally with an interview request, but they did not respond to the request on Sunday evening.
The Swedish Finnish Transport Agency commented to Sports that they received a complaint in the Sámi village. The Finnish Transport Agency is aiming to make a decision as soon as possible, but the decision had not yet been made on Sunday evening.
So it is still unclear what spare options for the Swedish World Rally have if special tests have to be canceled. This is in a hurry as the rally seed period begins on Tuesday.
-During the Monte Carlo World Championship, the World Rally Championship promoter stated that everything was fine. I don’t know if the situations have changed since, toyota’s team manager Jari-Matti Latvala Comment on Sports on Sunday.
Possible cancellations of special tests are important for the rally itself as well as viewers who are coming to follow the rally.
For example, for Finnish viewers who come to see the race and plan for which special stages, for example, are a particularly difficult situation.
Near the Umeå nearly found reindeer fired
SVT told Sundaythat three dead reindeer were found near Umeå. SVT reached the place of reindeer herd Johan Anderssonwho thought the reindeer had not died naturally, but had been shot.
A member of the board of the Sami community of Rans Maidi Eira Andersson attach the deaths of reindeer to the complaint they made.
“As far as I know, I’ve never been involved in a similar hate crime towards the Sámi community of Rans,” Andersson comments to SVT.
Police have reported that they are investigating the incident as damage.
– We judge all kinds of anger and intimidation. It is terrible that something like this has happened, says Erik Åström, the Swedish Rally Competition Director, to SVT.
The Swedish World Rally will be run from 13 to 16 February. And it is followed moment by moment on the Sports website and the app, where you will find performance tracking and all the most talking videos.
Edited at 8:26 pm: Added information on dead reindeer found near Umeå.