special SUV parking pricing voted by a narrow majority – L’Express

special SUV parking pricing voted by a narrow majority –

Parisians approved, on Sunday February 4, by 54.55%, the proposal of PS mayor Anne Hidalgo to triple parking prices for the largest cars, according to the official results of a vote which only mobilized 5.68 % of voters.

According to the municipality’s project, the user of a thermal or plug-in hybrid vehicle weighing more than 1.6 tonnes, or two tonnes for an electric vehicle, will soon have to pay 18 euros per hour for parking in the central districts of the capital, 12 euros for the outer districts. However, residents who park in their neighborhood and professionals, including taxis, will not be affected.

The deliberation will be presented in May for application on September 1, indicated Anne Hidalgo when the results were announced at City Hall, welcoming a “clear choice of Parisians” in favor of a measure “good for our health and good for the planet”.

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A little more than 78,000 voters came to one of the 38 polling places, out of around 1.3 million registered voters, to vote “for or against the creation of a specific rate for car parking heavy, bulky, polluting individual products. In April 2023, some 103,000 people, or 7.46% of those registered, voted in favor of eliminating self-service scooters in the capital, for the first vote of its kind.

This time, it is “a little less” participation “than for scooters”, but it is a “very good result”, commented Anne Hidalgo, anticipating other votes to “resolve questions which are part of our daily lives. Asked about the importance of the ballots “against” the measure, his EELV deputy for Mobility David Belliard estimated that the difference was “significant” while the vote concerned a “complicated question, a priori not very popular”. In a press release, the opposition group LR and related judged that the vote had taken place “in general indifference”. “This very low participation combined with close results, on a measure claimed as emblematic by Anne Hidalgo and her team, constitutes a real disavowal for the mayor of Paris,” says the right-wing opposition.

“It pollutes and hinders bicycle traffic”

The results by district actually follow the political map: opposition to the special rate prevails in those led by the right, while the “for” is the majority in those led by the left or Horizons. Thus in the 10th arrondissement, led by the PS, nearly 77% of voters validated the proposal. “For ecological reasons,” Caroline, a 51-year-old teacher, summarized for AFP. “It pollutes and hinders bicycle traffic,” added Jérôme, 59, bicycle helmet in hand.

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This ballot specifically targeted SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles), with characteristics combining “those of a passenger car with those of a utility vehicle”, and 4x4s.

In the capital which has already pedestrianized the banks of the Seine and greened 200 streets, the mayor justified the vote by the fight against pollution, better sharing of public space and “road safety”, accidents involving an SUV being according to the town hall “twice as deadly for pedestrians as with a standard car”. But will not be concerned “Parisian residents and sedentary professionals parked in their authorized parking zone, taxi drivers in dedicated stations, craftsmen, health professionals” and disabled people, according to the town hall. The choice not to apply the increased rate to residents has been the subject of numerous criticisms. “Parisians will be subject to the same pricing,” explained David Belliard, because the exemption is only valid when they park in their neighborhood.


At the town hall of the 8th arrondissement, where SUVs are well represented among the cars parked nearby, the majority voted “against”. Owner of an SUV because otherwise, “with two children, going on vacation is complicated”, Stéphanie, 40, is one of them. “If you want to have a city without cars and without streets, you have to go to the countryside!” says her husband.

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“Being in a Crit’air 1 sticker (low-polluting vehicle, Editor’s note) or in a hybrid and having to pay prices of more than 135 euros for half a day, it’s completely crazy!”, protested Charles Frassaint, 34 years old, financial consultant who voted in the 15th. According to the town hall, the surcharge would concern “around 10% of the park” and could bring in around 35 million additional revenue.
