Special school becomes an adapted primary school – here the name change is celebrated in Åstorp

During the summer, the special school at Rågenskolan in Åstorp got its new name: adapted elementary school. According to the school’s assistant principal Karin Hansson, it is a name change that has important meaning for its students – a change that signals belonging with rather than distinction from the rest of the school.

– It is significant for us and that is why we want to celebrate it today, says Karin Hansson.

Knowledge development

Right now, the adapted primary school is also involved in a project for knowledge-developing teaching in adapted primary schools. The research and development program will continue until spring 2025.

What is your hope for participating in this project?

– It is to raise the teaching. Historically speaking, the focus has been more on care, but we need to look at the curriculum, knowledge goals and increase our goal achievement.

In the video above, you can meet the students at the adapted elementary school and hear what they themselves think of the new name.
