Special operation for traitors! Woman accused of aiding Russian invaders arrested

Special operation for traitors Woman accused of aiding Russian invaders

The Sun news agency joins a contingent of elite Alpha Force units and undercover intelligence agents to capture a city council secretary accused of treason. Nadiya Antonova was accused of revealing the names of soldiers, police and counter-terrorism experts who would form the backbone of the local resistance, and was arrested by troops as part of a nationwide offensive against traitors accused of aiding the Russian invaders.


The arrest took place in Kutuzivka, in the countryside of Kharkov province, after liberation by the Ukrainian armed forces. When troops located Antonova, they found her crouching in the basement of a bombed-out government building. The arrested woman angrily replied, “Traitor! Think you’ve found a traitor? Shame on you. I’ve been here the whole time. How do you think we live here?” she cried.


Antonova also passed on the identities of hunters and park rangers who could support the Ukrainian soldiers as excellent partisan fighters with their knowledge of the countryside, prosecutors claim. She was accused of forcing residents to wear white armbands in a show of support for Russian forces. Russian troops wore white and orange armbands, while Ukrainians wore yellow, green and blue.


Kharkov Governor Oleh Syniegubov said that Antonova cooperated with the head of the Russian army with the knight call sign and was accused of formally handing over anti-terrorism officers, environmental protection veterans, hunters and law enforcement officers to Russian troops and forcing the local population to wear white armbands.

‘Treachery to the country under martial law’

A second official, Eduard Konovalov, was captured in another coordinated raid further east in the frontline town of Staryi Saltiv. The governor claimed that the head of the local council, Konovalov, “voluntarily sided with the invaders, provided them with shelter and encouraged the people not to resist the enemy.”
Collaborating with Russian troops, these people face life imprisonment for “treason under martial law”.
