Special model Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato Opera Unica introduced

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Special model that takes 370 hours to paint Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato Opera Unica officially introduced. The vehicle looks ambitious.

With its very long name, it has managed to attract attention today. Lamborghini Huracan Sterrato Opera Unica, As we said above, it is based on a paint that lasts for exactly 370 hours. The Italian manufacturer, which specially prepared this vehicle for its 60th anniversary, It is aimed to capture the crystal effect formed on the frozen liquid in the paint. tool, directly “Ad Personam” He had it prepared for his department. As you can imagine, the painting process is mostly done by hand, and it is an impressive body display and self-presentation for the company. The details of the paint on the outside of the vehicle are also seen in the eye-catching interior. Important details to know about Here our basic model Lamborghini Huracan Sterratoprepared to take the super sports competition off the asphalt, that is, it came to life as a V10-powered monster that can also go off-road.


Lamborghini, before that, it was on the agenda with an important date. Company made picture to the announcement its first all-electric vehicle, but 2028 It will hit the roads this year. Nor will this be the first electric hyper/supercar model. The firm has a “full electric cycle”2+2 Grand TourerIt will start with ”. In other words, the giant manufacturer that will meet the electric future with a four-seater vehicle, many years ago. 400 GT, Urraco, Espada And Islero signed instruments such as Lamborghini chief technology officer RouvenMohr, He talked about the all-electric transmission in the past months and said:We believe that now is not the right time for supercars, and it probably won’t be in the next five or six years.” he said.

The audience of the company still does not want to buy an electric vehicle, depending on the electric future of the company. He wants to push as far as possible. “We believe that in the super sports segment or sports car segment, the combustion engine and hybrid infrastructure are still the best option” who says mohr, that they will continue to support the internal combustion engines with electricity in the supercar models of the new era, thus –As we saw on the Ferrari sidestated that they will continue to combine extreme performance with real engine sound.
