Speaking for the iPad version of Instagram, CEO contradicted himself

Speaking for the iPad version of Instagram CEO contradicted himself

It’s 2022, there are millions of iPads out there, and there’s still a special Instagram iPad The application has not been released. The release doesn’t look like it’s coming anytime soon.

Instagram CEO Adam Mosser, In recent years, a special Instagram iPad stated that they did not have enough resources to develop the version. to two platforms (iPhone and iPad) While it was noted that the team, who could not allocate resources to develop the application, had a lot of work to do, it was said that the iPad application did not come. Adam Mosseriin a statement he made later, stated that the iPad application could be nice, but for now, they still do not have plans for a special application.

Much criticism on this Instagramis on the agenda once again with the statements of CEO Adam Mosseri. Corresponding with Marques Brownlee on Twitter, Mosseri made a special speech. Instagram iPad version by users. much requested stated. However, the CEO also noted that there is still not a large enough user group for the special iPad version. conveyed.


In this respect self-contradictory and getting even more backlash when trying to explain the process Mosseri, It clearly doesn’t want to release an iPad version, and no one can understand why. It is really unclear why a company that is under the umbrella of Meta and earns billions of dollars every quarter does not take this step.

Instagram is currently being used on iPad with an upgraded version of the iPhone, which isn’t an ideal experience at all. The company seems to hold a grudge against iPads in this regard, and no one can find a logical explanation for it.

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