Spanish requirement for cameras in slaughterhouses

Spanish requirement for cameras in slaughterhouses

Published: Less than 1 hour ago

full screen Soon a requirement for Spanish slaughterhouses. Archive image. Photo: Alessandra Da Pra/AP/TT

All slaughterhouses in Spain must install surveillance cameras, that is the meaning of a new law presented by the government and expected to be voted through shortly. The reason is to be able to ensure that the animals are not mistreated or mistreated before they are slaughtered.

– This law puts Spain at the forefront of Europe in this area and also ensures the welfare of the animals while they are in the slaughterhouses. For consumers, it also improves food safety, says Consumer Affairs Minister Alberto Garzón.

The law must now be voted on in parliament, which is only seen as a formality in this case. The slaughterhouse industry has already backed the bill.

Similar laws already exist in England, Scotland and Israel, among others. Spanish slaughterhouses will have up to a year to install the cameras after the law is passed.
