Spain is now the most rainy place in Europe – “this is like Mordor,” says local Foreign countries

Spain is now the most rainy place in Europe

The rainfall has continued in most Spain for almost a month. Water has also been needed in the middle of the drought.

Thing in summary

Barcelona. Spring in Spain officially started as a spring equinox on Thursday, but it is not noticeable in the weather.

The storms have been rushing the land. Barcelonians have also become accustomed to getting wet lately.

– What’s spring? This is like Mordor, says Barcelona Inma Toledo and points around with an umbrella around.

In March, Spain, which has been suffering from a long -term drought, has been the rainiest Kolkka in Europe for many days.

Simultaneously The media has discussed what gray and rainy weather does for people’s well -being. In the streets of Barcelona, ​​people’s opinion is almost unanimous.

– This is not nice. We are not used to continuous rain. We are the Mediterranean people, says the hood tighter around their heads GEMA AIXE.

Water stores have been filled after a long drought

Many also feel gratitude for the rain.

– This had already been needed, says the waitress Toni Gallegoswiping the tables wiped by the rain.

The rainfall has raised the water stores at a critical level to more than 60 %. Most of the country is likely to reach water use restrictions, which were set as a result of a three -year drought.

For example, in Andalusia, southern Spain, there is a state of emergency due to drought. Now it has rained so much that rivers have been flooded and people have had to be evacuated from their homes.

There have also been floods in the Madrid area and the surface of the Manzanares river flowing across the city has risen to dangerously high.

Over the past two weeks, Spain has been rushed by four strong storms that have brought heavy rainfall almost the whole country. Cultures have also been left under flood waters, and many areas have been declared an emergency.

In Madrid, some of the schools are closed and people have been urged to stay in telework.

The year has been the year Exceptionally rainy in Spain.

By the middle of the month alone in March, 114 millimeters of water had already come. For example, in Finland, in March, it rains on average 20-50 millimeters.

Spain gets the rainfall of Irish

Spanish Meteorological Institute According to Aemet, March has so far been the most rainy, for example in Madrid, the capital in more than ten years.

Exceptionally heavy rains are due to the main meteorologist of the Finnish Meteorological Institute Jose Manuel Viñas Included from the anti-clinic pressure in the north atlantic. It has stuck between Britain and Scandinavia.

High pressure forces the low pressure of the Atlantic to change its usual route and pass through the Iberian Peninsula. At the same time, Spain will, for example, receive rainfall for Ireland.

He describes the situation as a “storm” where consecutive storms constantly bring rain to Spain. Most recently, a similar phenomenon was experienced in 2018, which was the most rainy year in Spanish measurement history.

According to Viñas, climate change increases the possibility of extremes.

The past winter has been not only rainy, but also one of the warmest in Spanish measurement history. From spring to be expected Also warmer than average.

Experts also agree that in Spain, dry seasons are further extended by climate change and the temperatures are rising higher.
