SpaceX will launch several satellites from the OneWeb constellation

SpaceX will launch several satellites from the OneWeb constellation

Deprived of Soyuz launchers following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, OneWeb has reached an agreement with SpaceX for the launch of several of its satellites. An agreement that should allow OneWeb to put its constellation into service by the end of the year.

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In a statement released yesterday, OneWeb declared to have reached an agreement with SpaceX to launch several satellites from its constellation. For now, this is just an agreement in principle and not a firm contract that could be announced later.

This agreement provides that SpaceX will carry out several launches of satellites from the OneWeb constellation, a first would take place later this year. Rival of the constellation of star link from SpaceX, the OneWeb constellation currently has 428 satellites in orbit, or 66% of the total fleet. The bet at the beginning of the year which provided for commissioning by the end of the year could therefore be met. However, a few days ago when OneWeb made the decision to suspend all its launches from the cosmodrome of Baikonurit was not won!

The OneWeb press release wants to be optimistic. “ With these launch plans in place, we are on track to complete our constellation deployment and deliver robust, fast and secure connectivity around the world. said Neil Masterson, CEO of OneWeb.

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The terms of the agreement have not been disclosed, while the two parties agree on a launch contract. We therefore do not know how many missions are planned, what pitchers will use SpaceX (Falcon 9 Where Falcon Heavy) and how many satellites will be launched. ” We cannot comment on the details of the agreement at this time. “Soberly declared Katie Dowd, spokeswoman for OneWeb.

It can be assumed that a large part, if not all of the 216 satellites to be launched by the Soyuz Russian during six missions from Baikonur between March and August 2022 and on which OneWeb relied to complete the deployment of its constellation, is affected by this agreement. To be continued then.

Thanks SpaceX. To our knowledge, there is no Western launcher available as quickly as those of SpaceX whose rate of launches since the beginning of the year is simply impressive – with already 11 missions! Admittedly, small launchers or the LauncherOne by Virgin Orbit could be mobilized in a fairly short time, but their low payload capacity is insufficient to meet the needs and objectives of OneWeb, which wants to put its constellation into service by the end of this year.

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