SpaceX announced its current 2022 scorecard on Twitter

SpaceX announced its current 2022 scorecard on Twitter

Elon Musk’s private space company SpaceX, does not stand still and continues its commercial duties actively. The company announced that they have reached 31 in this regard.

Having a very good year in 2021 and generating huge revenues with many smooth tasks SpaceXAccording to Elon Musk’s previous statement, in 2022 total It aims to perform 60 different takeoffs / missions. Sharing a post on Twitter today, the company said that the Falcon 9 rocket has been in full swing since the beginning of 2022. He successfully handled 31 different missions. announced. It was stated by the company that within the scope of these missions, a full 351 metric tons of cargo was brought to low earth orbit. The company took astronauts to space with these 31 different bodies, launched a special satellite, carried cargo to the ISS and launched many different satellites for the Internet project Starlink from space.

Falcon 9 is among the most commercially successful rocket models the world has seen in recent times. The rocket, whose first stage has the ability to land vertically and now makes it a standard, makes access to space much cheaper. With Falcon 9, besides private companies in space, sometimes private satellites of states can be put into low earth orbit.


This Falcon 9 Among the rocket-centered missions, as we said above, providing internet from space starlink There are also missions for According to Musk’s statement at the beginning of the year, The number of operational Starlink satellites will reach 4,200 in the coming period.. Starlink will be activated in Turkey in 2023 if there is no problem.
