Space X: Starship can fly as early as Thursday


  • Space X: Starship can fly as early as Thursday

    The new goal is for the giant Starship rocket to be ready for its fourth launch as early as Thursday, the space company Space X writes in a post on X.


  • Suspected drowning outside Stockholm

    The rescue operation is underway at Källtorpsjön in Nacka. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    A major rescue effort is underway at Källtorpssjön in Nacka due to a suspected drowning incident, writes Dagens Nyheter.

    The police confirm the suspicion.

    – I cannot confirm any damage, says police spokesperson Robert Sennerdal to TT.

    According to DN, two people are supposed to be involved, which the police do not confirm.

  • Woman suspected of blue light sabotage

    A woman in her 30s in Lund is said to have stood in front of a police bus on two occasions and refused to move despite being prompted with a blue light.

    It prevented the police from driving further and thus also prevented the police from carrying out their work.

    – The woman was a protester in an unauthorized gathering in Lund, says Filip Annas, press spokesperson for the police in the southern region.

    The gathering was a protest against the war in Gaza.

    During the day, a permitted demonstration against the war in Gaza was also organized.

    The woman is arrested on suspicion of blue light sabotage.

    The incident occurred on Kyrkogatan in central Lund.

    She is also suspected of drug offenses for personal use.

  • Gotland’s demands: Take over healthcare

    Visby infirmary. Photo: Peter Wixtröm

    Having a maternity clinic, emergency department and intensive care is a must for an island.

    But with Gotland’s small population, the economy doesn’t add up, according to the chairman of the regional board, who is now appealing for the state to take over healthcare.

    – We can no longer cope with our dual mission, to provide healthcare on an island without undermining our municipal welfare. This is no longer possible, says Meit Fohlin (S) in one DN reportage.

    Healthcare Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson wants to support Gotland, but does not see it as appropriate to nationalize Gotland’s healthcare.

    – Our idea is not about taking over an entire region, but about more national responsibility and coordination to make care in Sweden more equal, she tells DN.

    But Meit Fohlin hopes that Gotland will become a pilot region for state governance.

  • E22 closed after accident

    A lorry and a car have collided on the E22 at the Osbyholm junction.

    Police have gone to the scene for control.

    According to Sydsvenskan, the road must be closed after the accident.

    According to the police, no one was physically injured in the incident.

  • Traffic accident at Årstafältet – long queues

    A motorcycle is said to have crashed into a car at the Hammarby tunnel towards Huddingevägen in southern Stockholm.

    The motorcyclist is said to have been awake and talkative, but they had to be rescued, which has led to long queues at the scene.

  • Barn fire in Eslöv – risk of spreading

    A barn building in the municipality of Eslöv is currently on fire.

    According to the emergency services, there is a high risk that the fire could spread.

    – We are working to try to prevent spread and as it looks right now, it is unclear whether we will succeed, says Gustaf Sandell, duty officer at Rädningstjänsten Syd, to SVT Nyheter.

    Next to the burning building are both residential buildings and a stable building, but no people or animals should be injured.

    How the fire started is unclear.

  • Several forest fires after lightning strikes

    Lightning struck at least five places in Östergötland county on Saturday afternoon and caused several forest fires, reports P4 Östergötland.

    Among other things, it has burned outside Norrköping and on the E4 towards Norsholm.

    SVT reports that two helicopters are on their way to the fires, including outside Ringarum in Valdemarsvik municipality. That area is around 5,300 square meters.

  • Iran arrests 35 for ‘Satanist gathering’

    Many parties are banned in Iran, which is strictly gender-segregated. Stock photo from Tehran. Photo: Vahid Salemi/AP/TT

    The police in Iran have arrested 35 people in what the authorities and state-loyal media describe as a “Satanist meeting”, which is said to have contained “signs and symbols of Satanism, alcohol and drugs”.

    Crackdowns on so-called Satanist gatherings, which are actually parties or concerts, sometimes happen in the strict Islamic dictatorship, where alcohol is banned.

    Previous raids have, for example, taken place against rock concerts.

  • S demands an answer from the prime minister

    SD has opened up cooperation in the EU with pro-Russian parties far to the right.

    Something Aftonbladet was able to report yesterday.

    Now the Social Democrats are demanding information from Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson about his cooperation with SD.

    – Should SD sit in meetings in the EU with Russia’s extended arm and parties that have close links to Putin? asks the Social Democrats’ party secretary Tobias Baudin at a press conference.

    Baudin is also critical of Kristersson not participating in Järvaveckan.

    – We are in the middle of an election campaign that is characterized by divisive messages and where the largest party in his government documents is reaching out to pro-Putin parties. It is serious. One can ask why he chose not to participate?

  • Cardiac arrest alert at the Stockholm Marathon

    Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

    A person must have collapsed during the Stockholm Marathon, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

    The police confirm that an alarm was received about a cardiac arrest in the marathon, just before 3 p.m.

    Emergency services, ambulance and doctors went to the scene. The police have no information on the state of the damage.

  • Suspected attempted murder – man arrested

    The police were called to an apartment in central Gothenburg at 1 pm after reports of a fight.

    At the scene, a bloody man was found outside the apartment and two more people, a man and a woman, the police write on their website.

    The bloody man was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder or manslaughter. According to the police, his injuries must be self-inflicted.

  • Missing 11-year-old in Norway found dead

    The 11-year-old boy who disappeared from a Camp School in Finnmark in Norway has been found dead.

    That is reported by VG.

    The boy was going to retrieve a soccer ball in the river when he fell in and was pulled away by the current on Thursday.

    Police, emergency services and volunteers have been searching for him ever since.

    Today he was found dead.

    – It is most likely the missing 11-year-old, because no others have been reported as missing. But the person has not been formally identified yet, says operations leader Jan Arne Pettersen to VG.

    The boy’s relatives have been informed of the death.

  • Venice’s new move: Banning loudspeakers

    Tourists in a gondola in Venice canals in April. Photo: Luca Bruno/AP/TT

    Venice is introducing new restrictions in a bid to save the city from mass tourism.

    Loudspeakers and tourist groups of more than 25 people are now banned, the BBC reports.

    Earlier this year, the city also introduced an entrance fee for day visitors of five euros, equivalent to around SEK 58.

    Mass tourism to Little Venice is seen as an increasingly urgent problem for the city, whose canals attract millions of visitors annually. At the same time, the original inhabitants flee. According to calculations, there are more beds for tourists than for residents, writes the BBC.

    – We aim to make the city more livable again, Mayor Luigi Brugnaro has previously said about the fight to save the city.

  • Heavy fire in villa

    There is a fire in a villa north of Uddevalla, at the municipal border with Färgelanda.

    The emergency services received the alarm shortly after 1:30 p.m.

    – The villa is completely engulfed in flames, says Andreas Elfström, officer on duty at the rescue service, to Bohusläningen.

    No one should be injured, and according to the rescue service there is no risk of the fire spreading to other buildings.

    According to the newspaper, traffic on route 172 is affected.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • What does it mean that Trump is impeached? Can he get jail time?


    Hey Fred!

    Yes, he can. The maximum penalty for the crimes he was convicted of is four years in prison, according to the New York Times. But that he will receive a prison sentence is seen as unlikely by several American experts, since he has no previous convictions.

    What sentence he may be announced on July 11.

    You can read more about it here and here.

  • What address is there a fire in Södermalm? Gone and hope it’s not mine!


    Hello! We don’t have the exact address, but there was a fire near Nytorget in any case. Hope everything went well for you!

  • You should probably double check the stated temperatures in the post about the heat wave in Mexico City.


    Hello Eva! I also thought it appeared like very low record temperatures in Mexico City, when we had 38 degrees in Målilla. But this 34.7 degrees actually seems to be the heat record in Mexico City, writes concurring international media. The fact that it doesn’t get warmer seems to be because the city is located in a valley at a very high altitude.

  • What happened this morning at the Tumba station? Smile someone it looks like a body on the track and the train has stopped for several hours!!


    Hello! There must have been an accident. No crime is suspected.

  • Why did 2 ambulances and 3 police cars with sirens and blue lights just pass by in Vasastaden?


    Hello! There has been an accident at the subway at Odenplan.

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