In the world of Warhammer 40,000 there are hundreds of different orders from the Space Marines, some of which differ greatly in their doctrines. But they all unite the Codex Astartes, which gives you some rules. Of all things, a particularly loyal order takes advantage of a loophole.
The Black Templars are the estimated largest order in Space Marines around Warhammer 40,000. Nobody knows exactly how many members have the templars – not even themselves.
However, it is clear that they have more brothers under weapons than all other known medals. Even though they are as loyal to the imperator than hardly any other Space Marines. They even worship him as God instead of as a father.
The fact that the Black Templars have such a huge force is due to the fact that they are quite … creatively interpreted the laws imposed on them. You have found a loophole that have been taking advantage of you for over 10,000 years.
Warhammer 40,000: The army of the Black Templars in the tabletop
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Why are ordinance only allowed 1,000 Space Marines?
The Codex Astartes regulates how a order of Space Marines should look. The document specifies how a space marine has to behave and regulates the orders itself. Roboute Guilliman, the primary of the ultramarines and now governors of the empire, has come up with the rules.
The reason: a disaster like the great brother war, which almost destroyed the empire of humanity, is to be prevented under all circumstances. With a limitation to 1,000 Space Marines Pro Order, it should be ensured that no order that expires the chaos can ever become a threat.
The creation of the Codex has already caused trouble: not all of Guilliman’s brothers agreed. The sture Space Wolf Leman Russ, for example, has faced him – and hit the side of Rogal Dorn, the primary fist’s primary.
The dispute between Dorn and Guilliman almost sparked a new war until Dorn finally got along. One of the first two order orders of his Imperial Fist then became the Black Templars, who are still surprisingly rebellious today.
10,000 years of crusade ensure a huge army
There are two major exceptions for the size of a order of the Space Marines in the Codex Astartes:
The Black Templars have been permanently on a crusade since it was founded over 10,000 years ago. They do not have a home world, but are a purely fleet -based order with hundreds of ships.
That alone allows the Black Templars to ignore the limit. In addition, however, they are traveling all over the galaxy in several crusades. Each crusade only has a few hundred Space Marines with them.
Since they are distributed in this way and are true to the imperator, Inquisition and Co. care very little that the order has so many brothers. However, if the Black Templars would ever pull their strength together, they would be much superior to all other orders.
A order of the fanatics and pioneers
However, their size alone is not the only unique selling point of the Black Templars. They worship the imperator as a deity, which is a rarity under Space Marines. To do this, they have developed or rediscovered some of the strongest technologies in the empire, such as the state of Raider Crusader – the sometimes largest tank of the empire.
Your doctrine is definitely through a fight against the impure, the heretics and Xenos – everything that is somehow not human. The fanaticism of the Black Templars, if at all, is only exceeded by the fighting nuns of the adepta Sororitas.
However, this also means that the templars do without one of the strongest weapons in the arsenal of all Space Marines: psionics. The sanctioned magic boom of Space Marines, the scriptors (English “Librarians”), can destroy entire armies with their magic.
However, Black Templars see too much dangers in triggering a warp disaster. Only in their support units do they tolerate psionics such as astropaths because they can communicate with the imperator themselves, at least they see it.
By the way, astropaths themselves are a very exciting topic. Only through them can the ships of the empire communicate over long distances – but this comes with some dangers that can certainly degenerate into a disaster. In the role -playing game Rogue Trader you can see an astropathic choir in action: The role -playing game for Warhammer 40k on Steam gives me exactly what I miss in Space Marine 2