Space, League: Fundamental telecommunications security, use strategic partners

Space League Fundamental telecommunications security use strategic partners

(Finance) – “La telecommunications safety is Fundamental, in the Italian interest would it be singular to choose a French subject (with even Chinese share participation?) Instead of a technologically more developed and avant -garde system such as the American one “.
So in a note Paolo Borchia, head of delegation Lega to the European Parliament, and Paolo Formentini, deputy Lega, head of the foreign department of the League.

Moreover, we notice with amazement that, as already happened for some pharmaceutical companies during Covid, a French title has earned more than 500% in the stock exchange days. We are sure that, in a delicate phase like this, every choice should be weighted exclusively in the name of the Italian national interest, without ideological prejudices, considering the USA a partner essential for the safety and growth of our country “.
