South Korea’s Star Wars weapons program develops laser weapons | News in brief

North Korea launched two short range ballistic missiles News in

South Korea is the first country in the world to announce the deployment of laser weapons.

South Korea plans to deploy laser weapons this year to counter North Korean drones, the military’s arms procurement unit said Thursday.

South Korea has named its laser program after the well-known science fiction film Star Wars.

The South Korean military has been quietly developing weapons called Hanwha Aerospace.

Laser guns shoot down drones by burning out their engines or other electrical equipment.

According to the military, laser weapons are unobtrusive, silent and inexpensive.

One shot costs about 1.5 euros, the army unit responsible for arms procurement says in its statement.

In addition to South Korea, China and the United States developed their own laser weapons.

However, South Korea is the first country in the world to announce the introduction of laser weapons.

The truce is being violated on both sides

At least five North Korean drones crossed the border with South Korea in December, the army says.

According to the military, North Korea targeted its drone attacks against South Korean helicopters and fighter jets.

Technically, South and North Korea are still at war.

The fighting of the Korean War ended already in 1953, but peace between the countries has still not been agreed upon.

There is a truce between the two countries and the area between the two Koreas is considered a demilitarized zone.

In reality, both North and South Korea have both violated the armistice repeatedly.

According to the United States, both South Korea and North Korea have fired drones into the demilitarized zone.

Source: Reuters
