South Korea’s president declares national mourning | SVT News

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According to the rescue personnel, the deceased must have been trampled or crushed to death and most of the victims were in their 20s. Several local media reports that the crowd must have arisen when more people started running towards a bar, where a famous person is said to have stayed, writes The Gaurdian.

– My heart goes out to the family members of the victims, who are suffering from heartache over having lost loved ones, says the South Korean president during a press conference.

In addition, around 150 people are said to have been injured, of which around 50 are said to have suffered cardiac arrest.

– I hope that the people who were injured in the accident will get better soon, the president continues.

Declare national period of mourning

The country’s president, Yoon Suk-Yeol, has declared a national period of mourning and has visited the area where the accident took place. He also announces that a thorough investigation must be carried out.

– The most important thing is to determine the cause of the accident and prevent similar accidents, he says.

During Sunday, flags are flown at half-mast and all public employees will be required to wear mourning bands during the mourning period. All public Halloween events are also cancelled.

– The government will designate a period of national mourning from today until the incident is under control.
