South Korea protests after being introduced as North Korea at opening ceremony

South Korea protests after being introduced as North Korea at

At the opening ceremony on Friday evening, July 26, the South Korean athletes’ delegation was introduced with the official name of North Korea – the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – and not that of South Korea, the Republic of Korea. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) apologized for this faux pas, which caused a great stir in South Korea and which spoiled the great celebration of the Olympic Games for the country.

3 min

When opening ceremony At the Paris Olympics, when the South Korean delegation arrived by boat on the Seine as the 48th participating nation, the announcers introduced it as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in French, then ” Democratic People’s Republic of Korea ” in English. In both languages, they then used the official name of North Korea, a country with which Seoul is still officially at war.

Disaster “, ” drama ” or ” unthinkable accident ” is the headline in the South Korean press on Saturday morning, July 27, reports our correspondent in Seoul, Celio Fioretti. Heavy words, usually reserved for the country’s great tragedies. But which today bear witness to the indignation experienced by an entire people. The South Korean Ministry of Sports ” regrets the announcement made at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, during which the South Korean delegation was introduced as the North Korean team ” he said in a statement.

On the streets of Seoul, one feels belittled, as two passers-by explain: “ I thought South Korea was well-known enough that we couldn’t make that mistake anymore, especially coming from a broadcast with such a large audience, it’s surprising. » « It makes me sad, I feel like South Korea is not that important in the eyes of other countries after all. ” explains the other passer-by.

A meeting planned with the Organizing Committee and the IOC

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has apologized for the error on social network X. We deeply apologize for the error that occurred during the introduction of the South Korean team during the broadcast of the opening ceremony. ” wrote the IOC in Korean.

But for some, like this retiree, it is also a diplomatic faux pas of high importance: ” It’s France’s fault, so France needs an apology. “But others prefer to remain fair play, like this man: ” It’s a mistake, it’s unfortunate, but it happens. »

For its part, the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that it had contacted the French embassy in Seoul, which expressed regret for what it called ” incomprehensible error “The South Korean National Olympic Committee plans to meet with the Paris Olympic Organizing Committee and the IOC to express its protests, request measures to prevent a recurrence and send an official letter of protest on behalf of its delegation leader, the sports ministry said.

At the ceremony, North Korea was properly introduced with its official name. South Korea is still technically at war with the North, after a 1950-53 conflict that ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty. Relations between the two border countries are at their lowest in years, as Pyongyang has moved to strengthen military ties with Russia and has been sending thousands of balloons loaded with garbage toward the South for months.

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