South Africa accuses Israel before international justice of “acts of genocide” in Gaza

South Africa accuses Israel before international justice of acts of

While the war in Gaza is in its 83rd day and has left more than 21,000 dead, South Africa is launching a new procedure against Israel: Pretoria has launched a request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN body which judges disputes between States, to denounce what it considers to be the character ” genocidal » of the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Since the start of the conflict, the rainbow nation has been at the forefront of open criticism of Israel, and had made a first request to the International Criminal Court.

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In its application to the International Court of Justice (ICJ), South Africa asserts that Israel “ has engaged, is carrying out and risks continuing to carry out acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza “. She denounces “ massacres » and an intention to “ destroy » this people, reports our correspondent in Johannesburg, Josephine Kloeckner.

Strong words that the rainbow nation is not using for the first time: a month ago, the government had already accused Israel of war crimes and genocide in Gaza, recalled all his diplomats from Tel Aviv, and requested with four other countries the launch of an investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Israel responded by announcing in turn the recall of its ambassador to South Africa.

South Africa’s support for the Palestinian cause does not date from this war which has been raging for almost three months: it is in the DNA of the ANC’s international policythe liberation party in power for 30 years, which often compares it to its own fight against apartheid.

In a press release, the government explains that it continues to call for “ an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and the resumption of talks, to end ”, in his words, “ to the violence resulting from the belligerent occupation of Palestine “.

THE ” Israel’s acts and omissions are genocidal »

Pretoria states that “ Israel’s acts and omissions are genocidal because they are accompanied by the specific intent required […] to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza as part of the larger national, racial and ethnic group of Palestinians », Underlined in a press release the ICJ, based in The Hague, announcing the submission of a request by Pretoria.

These ” acts and omissions » include “ the killing of Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious physical and mental harm and inflicting living conditions on them likely to lead to their physical destruction ”, according to South Africa. “ These acts are all attributable to Israel, which failed to prevent genocide and is committing genocide in clear violation of the Genocide Convention “, she continued. “ The Israeli state, including at the highest levels, the Israeli president, prime minister and defense minister express genocidal intent “, she also indicates.

Read alsoIn South Africa, the tradition of support for the Palestinian cause is on display

Israel rejects accusations with disgust »

These accusations were immediately swept aside. with disgust » by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. “ Israel rejects defamation with disgust […] propagated by South Africa and its appeal to the International Court of Justice », Reacted on the social network X (formerly called Twitter) the spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lior Haiat.

For almost five years, Pretoria has no longer had an embassy in Tel Aviv, but a simple liaison office, having always had tense ties with the Jewish state. A position confirmed in Marchwell before the start of the war between Israel and Hamas.

The ICC had already opened an investigation in 2021 into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian Territories, including alleged crimes committed by Israeli forces, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups.

Pretoria says it wants provide urgent protection ” civilians

In South Africa’s application to the ICJ, the ” intention ” maybe ” deducted […] of the nature and conduct of the Israeli military operation in Gaza, particularly in view of the fact that Israel failed to provide or ensure food, water, medicine, fuel, shelter and other essential humanitarian aid to the besieged and stranded Palestinian people, pushing them to the brink of famine “.

South Africa specified in its request that it had turned to the court to “ establish Israel’s responsibility for violations of the Genocide Convention ”, but also for “ ensure the urgent and most comprehensive protection possible for Palestinians “.

Pretoria therefore asks the court to issue urgent measures to “ protect the Palestinian people in Gaza “, in particular enjoining Israel to ” immediately end all military attacks “.

Read alsoSouth Africa denies any support for Hamas
