Sound and light from Africa with David-Pierre Fila

Sound and light from Africa with David Pierre Fila

David-Pierre Fila may be quietly seated in his 68 years, he can appear and disappear in a second and from one bank to another, leave the Congo River, find himself on the Mirabeau Bridge (where the Seine flows) .

Fila spinning in the English way, that’s the style, heading for a thousand and one lives. That of a physiotherapist, an anthropology student, a fashion photographer… (ah, we’re burning, it’s Brazza’s fire talking) yes, one fine day we come to the cap of director/cinema producer. With a film which fights against a world without Africa and which denounces the cha cha dependencies of African cinema killed by aid from the West. I quote the gentleman who returns to us from Ecuador, arms full of chocolates and some of his documentaries (Mweze, The Last of the Babingas, The sapper, Tala tala).

The musical choices of David-Pierre Fila

Threesome Matamoros What Siga El Tren

Sister Marie Keyrouz Hail Mary

The Bantus of the capital Masuwa
