Sotkamo, Manse PP and Kouvola squatted their opponents | Sports in a nutshell

Sotkamo Manse PP and Kouvola squatted their opponents Sports

There were clear point differences in the Men’s Superpesi on Friday. In the women’s only game, Kirittäret and Päsäkarhut offered more excitement instead.

The last Superpesis men’s matches before the weekend of the East-West match did not serve up excitement. Sotkamo’s Jymy and Manse PP and Kouvola’s Ballonlöjät, who visited Imatra, humiliated the opponents.

The people of Kainuu crushed Alajärvi’s Ankkurit, who defeated Vimpeli Veto the night before, crushingly 2-0 (14-1, 11-0).

– Maybe yesterday had a bit of an impact. It’s probably not worth doing bigger analyses. Sotkamo’s boys hit good shots. We were late at night. Räpylä’s thongs are a little tighter for the next game, confirmed by AA’s first prize winner Ville Keltic fabric on Friday.

From Jymy, the councilor was teased by a joker Roope Korhonen (1+9), with an eight up his sleeve Aapo Komulainen (1+3).

Manse PP knocked out Kiteen Pallo, who visited Tampere, with five runs in their first innings. The score was 2-0 for the hosts (11-2, 8-6).

Joker, who scored 1+7 runs, was the hardest working of the Tampere team Perttu Ruuska and a substitute who scored 1+1 runs and brought in four Simo Vainikainen (at 8/9).

Imatra’s Pallo-Veikot fell victim when KPL found its third three-point win of the season. The hosts of Ukonniemi had to be humbled by a defeat with a score of 0-2 (2-4, 3-7).

All the runs of “Kopla” were scored by the trio, which has been seen mostly as the jokers of the team. Juha Korhonen (1+3) and Patrik Wahlsten (0+3) are only jokers, Teemu Nikkanen (1+3) sometimes played as a cop again.

Series table

Women’s Superpesis

Jyväskylä Kirittäret – Päsäkarhut, Pori 1–0 (3-2, 1-1)

Series table
