Sos drought, summit to face the emergency

Sos drought summit to face the emergency

(Finance) – There are those who clearly speak of “drought emergency” but also those who take the opportunity to bring the theme of “climate crisis”. What is certain is that measures are needed to deal with a situation that is likely to arise particularly complex. “Simplementation is delicate, we will soon update on a political level “. This was stated by the Minister of Agriculture, Stefano Patuanelli. “Today – he added – there will be an important meeting between the cabinet heads of all the ministries involved: Mipaaf, Mite, Mef, Regional Affairs. Then – he concluded – we will update ourselves on a political level, the situation is delicate “.

The Po worries – Continue with irrigation, despite the situation being a “red light”. This is the indication that came from the observatory on the Po that met to tackle the problem of drought. The proposal arrived is that of a transitional measure to balance the use of the remaining water: reduce withdrawals by 20% to continue irrigation anyway, but guarantee the flow of water also to the Delta.

State of disaster in Lazio – “In the next few hours, I will proclaim a state of natural disaster“. The president of the Lazio Region announced Nicola Zingaretti.” The state of Calamity will serve to immediately adopt the first measures and to invite the mayors to the first containment rules. Obviously we have to prepare for a situation that will be very critical which will have to be based on saving water for all activities, starting with family consumption “, he said.

Even the Tiber, which flows around 100 cubic meters per second, has a fairly worrying drop in flow rate which obviously derives from the drop in flow rate of its 42 tributaries. There is a strong concern. I must say – the president of the Basin Authority told Ansa, Erasmo D’Angelis – not so much about Rome where the drinking water reserve is in the mountains in the Rieti areaso we are calm enough for the next few weeks, but many other locations, not served by mountain slopes, are obviously at risk “

“We must ask for a state of emergency, linked to the intervention of the Civil Protection”: said Ettore Prandini, president Coldiretti, this morning by participating in a video link to the conference ‘Food safety and quality of water resources’ which took place at Palazzo Stelline in Milan, talking about the drought that it is hitting Italy.
