Soon the season premiere in SSL – then Karlstad IBF will change coaches in the women’s team

That currently includes Mikaela Målström, the long-term injured national team defender Sarah Dahlström and Kjell-Owe Pettersson.

– It will be new. It’s close to the match, but I still think the team is professional in that decision and we have to work based on that, says team captain Alexandra Terner.

According to Andreas Svensson, sports manager for the sports groups on both the women’s and men’s side, the coaching change took place without any “hard feelings”.

– There was a lack of knowledge and people were not prepared for what was to come. It was done in consultation and it is better to do it now than in a month, he tells SVT.

How will it affect the team?

– It won’t upset them, says Andreas Svensson.

Karlstad IBF’s ladies felt several blows last season, among other things they lost key players due to injuries and club changes, but they still managed to stay in SSL. On Saturday, they play their 23rd consecutive season in the top league. Then the Värmlanders meet Lund in an away match.

In the clip, team captain Alexandra Terner talks about the coaching change and how it feels ahead of the upcoming season premiere in SSL. There we also hear one of the new coaches for the season, Mikaela Målström.
