The fine could increase from 150 euros currently to 1500 euros in transport…
The number of delays in public transport or trains is often caused by the users themselves. Some, a little dizzy or airheaded, represented in 2021 the leading cause of delays for long-distance trains according to the SNCF, with nearly 8,330 hours. Furthermore, safety in transport is essential, to the point that the National Assembly is examining an amendment which plans to punish users more severely with several levels of fines. The most reckless, inattentive or negligent will have to be extra vigilant since the bill could skyrocket.
Currently, the SNCF imposes a fine of 150 euros in the event of forgetting luggage on a train. But if this amendment is adopted, the fine could increase to 750 euros. If the traveler forgets his bag or suitcase and has not labeled it, the fine then increases to 1,500 euros. Finally, if the abandonment of luggage is voluntary, “in the event that it constitutes a malicious act which can be proven”, the person risks a fine of 3,750 euros. The text also specifies that “in all cases, public action may be terminated by the payment of a fixed fine of 300 euros, which may be reduced to 250 euros or increased to 600 euros”.
Before this amendment is implemented, it will still have to be voted on in committee, then in the National Assembly in plenary, and finally in the Senate, which had already voted last February on the text at first reading, which was slightly different on certain points.
Remember that forgetting luggage on a train or in a station has serious consequences. In fact, the Vigipirate plan is automatically put in place if the owner is not found. “The SNCF is setting up an initial security perimeter while waiting for the dog technical team (dog handlers with their dogs) or, failing that, the police. This perimeter can be expanded at the request of the services mine clearance”, explains the SNCF on its site. Result: this procedure lasts on average 19 minutes.