Sony Xperia 5 IV To Be Debuted On September 1st

earlier this year Sonyflagship Xperia 1 IVreleased the . However, the company has not yet introduced its other expected phone, the Xperia 5 IV. Now the company Sony Xperia 5 IVHe planned a launch event where he could launch the .

Activity On September 1 at 4:00 PM Japan time (3:00 PM EST) will happen. It will also be streamed live on the official Sony Xperia YouTube channel so anyone interested can watch it live.

The company announced the Xperia event through a video posted on YouTube. Interestingly, Sony released its latest single. “People Pleaser” on a new Xperia phone artist shooting and recording Cat Burns collaborated with.

The video shows that the upcoming Xperia smartphone will have a compact form factor. The device is probably Xperia 5 It will have the same design as other smartphones in the series.
