Sony will remove a feature from the console, any regrets?

Sony will remove a feature from the console any regrets

Launched at the same time as the marketing of the PS5, the “Accolades” function will finally be removed from Sony’s console. A decision taken by the Japanese manufacturer, probably because it was hardly used by players. For people who don’t know what Braces stand for (and we totally understand them, we too had forgotten them), it’s simply a feature that allows you to send pre-recorded comments to other players in multiplayer to thank them for an exchange or a moment spent together. The person rewarded was then assigned a badge on his profile to show his benevolence. Unfortunately, strong from the indifference of the players vis-a-vis these Accolades, Sony Interactive Entertainment admitted that success was not with go and that it was decided to withdraw the function from next autumn. Let’s not forget that in exchange, Sony will set up the PlayStation Stars, a loyalty program that will reward players with gifts, which should have more popularity with the community…


How to send a hug on PS5 console
When you’ve completed an online multiplayer game, follow the on-screen instructions.
The Give a hug screen appears. Choose the player you want to hug. Select the brace to send.
Your hug is sent.
Hugs are limited to one per player per match. The hugs are sent anonymously. You can only hug the same player once every 12 hours. You don’t have the option to send hugs to your friends or players you’ve blocked.

How to check your braces on PS5 console
From the Home screen or Control Center, select your profile picture, then Profile. Select Braces. Find out how many accolades you’ve received: Helpful, Welcoming, Sportsmanship, Leader.
You can view other players’ accolades on their profile screen. To change notification settings for braces, go to the home screen, then select Settings > Notifications.
