Sony will make its State of Play presentation exclusive to 3rd party games for the first time

Sony will make its State of Play presentation exclusive to

PlayStation announced that the new State of Play event to be held on Thursday night will be focused on Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy.

As you know, the Playstation team shared the date and content information of the new State of Play event with its new statement. According to this statement, the highly anticipated Harry Potter: Hogwarts Legacy game will be featured in the new State of Play presentation, which will be released on Thursday night, as always. The biggest difference that distinguishes this presentation from the others is that Sony puts a 3rd party game in the focus of the presentation for the first time.

Hogwarts Legacy will be featured at the new State of Play presentation

We can say that the main focus of the presentation is the Hogwarts Legacy game, which actually shows how great the expectations for this game are. Of course, while the PS5 images of Hogwarts Legacy are included in the presentation, it should also be noted that there is a possibility of announcing some console-specific content at the same time. This presentation, which will include new information and gameplay footage about Hogwarts Legacy, will start on Thursday, February 17th at 23:55 Turkish time.

We had heard some news earlier that Hogwarts Legacy would be delayed to the end of the year. This presentation is likely release datewe’ll see too. The statement made by Playstation is as follows; “Hogwarts Legacy will take place in State of Play, which will be published at midnight, connecting Thursday to Friday, in partnership with Avalanche Software and Warner Bros. Games and PlayStation. The broadcast will begin on Thursday, March 17 at 23:55 CEST. Hogwarts Legacy will take place in the event that will last for approximately 20 minutes. In-game footage of the game from PS5 will be shared.”
