A foundation accuses Sony that the company behind the PS5 can artificially hold prices in the Playstation Store. Now there is a threat of a class action lawsuit.
What kind of class action is that? The “Stichting Masshaden & Consument”, in German, for example, “Foundation for Mass Damage and Consumer Protection” from the Netherlands, is currently preparing a class action lawsuit against Sony and PlayStation. Potential damaged people can join the collective action on the website of the foundation.
The foundation accuses the company behind the PS5 to artificially increase the prices for digitally acquired content. The foundation website says: “If you buy a digital game or in-game content, Sony ensures that this is only possible via his own PlayStation store. In this way, Sony keeps the market for itself and can handle the prices artificially. This means that you pay more without getting more. “
At Sony we asked a statement on the allegations of the Foundation for Mass Damage and Consumer Protection and will add them in the article as soon as we have it.
The foundation states that it is not the problem that Sony set its own prices. Sony would abuse his power to suppress competitors because games can only be bought digitally via the PlayStation Store.
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Foundation refers to EU law
What does the foundation refer to? The Dutch foundation says that it is prohibited in the EU that companies abuse their position in order to make more profit at the expense of consumers.
The Bundeskartellamt speaks, for example, of “improper behavior” and explains: “It is not forbidden that companies have a strong or even dominant position in a market.” (via bundeskartellamt.de)
It continues:
“On the other hand, the abuse of market power is prohibited under antitrust law. The behavior of market -controlling companies can be abusive if they discriminate against other companies or hinder their competitive opportunities. Abuse can also exist if companies request prices or terms and conditions with which they exploit their customers, suppliers or users. ”
The Federal Cartel Office is responsible for German and European competition law in Germany as the Federal Authority and can prohibit, for example, improper behavior.
Can you join the class action? That depends on where you live. If you are living in Germany, Austria or Switzerland, then not.
The foundation is committed to people in the Netherlands who have a PS4 or PS5 at least 8 years old, have a PSN account and made at least one purchase in the PlayStation Store in the period from November 29, 2013.
If there is really a claim against Sony, this would not be the only legal matter with which Sony has to deal with. In December 2024, a former employee of Bungie started legal steps: Former employee sued Sony and Bungie – accuses them of destroying his reputation