Sons of the Forest: gameplay, price, release date… We take stock

Sons of the Forest gameplay price release date We take

Survival games often take the top spot among the most popular games on PC, especially thanks to unexpected titles like The Forest. Good news, the creation of Endnight Games is offered a sequel: Sons of the Forest.

An essential genre of PC and console gaming, survival and horror games occupy a large part of the video game market. An open genre where small studios can express themselves through excellent survival simulations, and which allow creators hitherto unknown to be noticed by the public. This was the case with Endnight Games and its excellent The Forest, a unique survival experience on a not-so-deserted island, released and then acclaimed in 2018. Today, this great classic is back at the center of attention since its sequel, Sons of the Forest, will be available in a few hours. We take stock of this little event.

Resuming without hesitation the graphic ambition of its elder, Sons of the Forest demonstrates an extremely impressive technique. From the myriad of new animations pushing crafting and combat to the maximum of realism, to the forest or troglodyte environments more real than life, the ambition of the new title from Endnight Games is palpable. The game plunges you once again on a desert island, this time in search of a missing billionaire. Of course, your stay will be very far from being heavenly since you will have to find the means to survive against the elements, but also against a myriad of cannibal natives hiding much more twisted secrets. The game gives you a sandbox-like adventure while maintaining a storyline that pulls you from one end of the island to the other, much like its predecessor.

The ambition of this project from the modest studio Endnight Games may have led to some production difficulties, the game having been postponed several times to finally be scheduled for February 2023. This is the February 23 next time you can dive back into the wooded depths of a not-so-welcoming place with this release exclusively for Steam and PC gamers. A novelty that is likely to do a lot of good for fans of survival games, since it seems to push all aspects of gameplay already well known to players to the maximum.

We told you just a little above, Sons of the Forest is unfortunately reserved only for PC players for the moment. The game will be available on the platform that saw the success of its elder, Steam, for the modest price of €29.99. Enough to give you good reasons to embark on this mysterious island and brave all the dangers.
