Sonic producer Yuji Naka jailed

Sonic producer Yuji Naka jailed

Yuji Naka, one of the producers of Sonic, was arrested and jailed for using inside information to his advantage and getting rich.

Sonic the Hedgehog does not only attract the attention of players. The movie, which also attracts attention, has a very strong brand value. Yuji Naka, one of the creators and producers of the brand, was arrested again after being arrested and released last month.

Yuji Naka, co-producer of Sonic, jailed

The Tokyo District Attorney’s Office obtained insider information that Naka’s Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier is in development at ATeam Entertainment and has acquired a sizable stake in the brand. It turned out that Naka, who bought the shares for about $834,000, also has similar plans with Dragon Quest Tact and developer Aiming. It should not be strange that the producer, who bought about $20,000 worth of bonds from that company, was arrested.

However, the business looks set to grow. Taisuke Sasaki, who also works at Square Enix, is accused of similar crimes. The realization of similar arrests in the past months can cause serious wounds in the gaming industry.
