Amanda Bergman was born on November 2, 1987, which means that she turns 38 in 2025.
Yes, Amanda Bergman is in the band Amazon where she sings.
Amanda Bergman has released songs such as “Falcons” and “Winter Saga” during her solo career.
The band Amazon is known for, among other things, interpreting the song “I Want to Know What Love Is”.
Amanda Bergman was born in Borlänge, Dalarna. Today she lives on a farm from the 1860s in Dalarna, according to the newspaper Mama.
Yes, Amanda Bergman has previously been married to Kristian Matssonbetter known by the artist name “Tallest Man on Earth”. Both have also collaborated on records in recent years.
– Our relationship is as I hope that couples who have been married have – that it is something you always want to keep in some way. We are absolutely friends still, Bergman has said to Aftonbladet.
Amanda Bergman is married today Petter Winnberg As he also plays in the band Amazon.
Yes, Amanda Bergman has children. Together with her Petter Winnberg she has the children Flora and Ivaraccording to Mama.
On Instagram, Amanda Bergman goes under the name @bergmanama.