Son of Libyan leader Khalifa Haftar visits Burkina Faso amid Russian presence in Sahel

Son of Libyan leader Khalifa Haftar visits Burkina Faso amid

Recently propelled to the head of the land forces of the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by his father Khalifa Haftar, Saddam Haftar, the youngest son, paid a visit to Burkina Faso on Tuesday, July 9. Mandated by his father, Saddam Haftar made this visit only three days after the official creation of the federation of the Alliance of Sahel States, the AES.

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Saddam Haftar met with CaptainIbrahim Traorepresident of the transition. Officially, nothing has filtered out about the content of this discreet visit to Ouagadougou, while on the Libyan side, a short statement from the Libyan National Army indicates that Saddam Haftar went to Burkina as his father’s emissary.

According to several specialists, the authorities of eastern Libya are encouraged by the Russia to build stronger relations with the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States. For Kader Abderrahim, author of ” Geopolitics of the Libya »This move should “ strengthen sponsored links by Vladimir Poutine »between the three Sahel countries and the military power in Benghazi.

Russia more engaged than ever in the Sahel

The Russian president would like, according to Kader Abderrahim, that the ANL ” is more involved in the structuring of this area of ​​the Sahel ». ” Vladimir Putin realizesadds the researcher, that it does not have the military and human resources to be more present in this area “. It is therefore likely that he ” gives Libya a role to play “.

An opinion shared by Arab world specialist Hasni Abidi. The strongman of Benghazi now offers, according to him, to the Russians ” a corridor from the Mediterranean to Bamako ». Marshal Haftar is seeking for his part ” to establish itself as a military force in the region ” concludes Hasni Abidi.

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