Son ahead of father in Solberg’s rally turn – Finnish driver third | Sports in a nutshell

Son ahead of father in Solbergs rally turn Finnish

The 2003 World Rally Car Champion Petter Solberg is far from the top after the opening day in his comeback race, the European Rally Championship in Karlstad, Sweden.

For Petter Solberg. Oliver leads the New Zealander by 3.3 seconds to Hayden Paddon.

Petter Solberg became ill with sarcoidosis in 2017, and the disease left its mark on his lungs, sense of sight and stamina. He said goodbye to rallies in 2019, but now came back with enthusiasm.

After nine special stages on the opening day, he is in 19th place, almost two and a half minutes behind his son.

Third in the rally is a Finnish driver from Nurmijärvi Mikko Heikkiläwhich has a difference of 12.7 seconds to the top.

The rally ends with eight special stages on Saturday.
