“Something like this will never happen again” bosses apologize for patch 1.1.0, explain what is now improving

After major criticism of Patch 1.1.0 and Season 1 in Diablo 4, Blizzard spoke to the community in an emergency stream. There the bosses explain how the patch came about, what is now improving and promised that something like this will never happen again.

Key points from the stream:

  • Nightmare dungeons will be nerfed shortly: Level 100 should then be about as hard as level 70 now. Instead, new content is coming to “test” you.
  • If future builds are completely OP, they will remain so until alternatives can be designed, rather than nerfing them outright.
  • Big balance and meta changes are meant to come at more obvious times, like the start of a season. Patch notes should appear at least a week in advance.
  • A patch like Patch 1.1.0 should never happen again.
  • When are the changes coming? So far, there are no concrete dates for each of the changes. However, during the night (German time) there will be a hotfix that will adjust nightmare dungeons. Patch notes will follow.

    In addition, patch 1.1.1 should be released in “the next few weeks”. More information will be available at the next Campfire Chat on Friday July 28th. What we already know, you will read shortly on MeinMMO.

    However, the developers also explained in the stream why the changes came about in the first place and answered questions from the community. They have already revealed some of their plans for the future.

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    “If it’s not fun anymore, we’ve failed”

    Associate Game Director Joe Piepiora and Game Director Joe Shely spoke on stream about both the reasons behind the patch 1.1.0 nerfs and the changes that are yet to come.

    As in a previous talk, the short explanation is: nerfs come because they are necessary. Vulnerable and cooldown reduction, for example, were too strong properties that limited build options. But that is exactly what we want to ensure.

    The biggest problem with this is that, above all, multipliers that are too strong ensure immense numbers that can only be achieved in this way. This is not how builds should work, there should always be alternatives.

    However, nerfs like those of the sorceress and the barbarian are not effective. The fun must be maintained, even with adjustments. Specifically, it said: if a build is OP, then it should remain so until alternatives can be offered. Only “game breaking” things are reacted to immediately.

    However, the goal is always to ensure the widest possible range of builds that players can try out. It shouldn’t need “mandatory” skills like anything with vulnerability. In addition, the patches should better adjust the screws in the future and be announced early.

    Tons of new content for the future

    After the explanations there was a Q&A with the community. You can watch the full video on YouTube, we have summarized the most important points for you here:

  • Leaderboards come in Season 3 with new content created specifically for them.
  • The infamous Uber Uniques are meant to remain rare, but not that rare. The drop rate will eventually increase slightly, but the idea is that they shouldn’t define a build.
  • There will be more tools against crowd control effects.
  • Leveling will be easier, the XP required from level 50-100 has been adjusted, and there will be more opportunities and challenges at World Tier 4.
  • Adjustments to some of the most annoying creatures like skeleton archers and charging monsters are coming.
  • Resistances that are currently almost useless will be revised for Season 2.
  • Campaign bosses come in some form as opponents, but the developers were not yet allowed to say how and when.
  • It should be easier to find item improvements and things like loot filters.
  • Crashes and technical issues on PS5 and Xbox will be fixed.
  • New ways to customize and craft gear are coming.
  • Builds that rely on companions should be improved. This affects druids and necromancers.
  • There were also questions about features like build loadouts and a party finder. Both are things that the team keeps talking about, but nothing concrete can be said about them yet. So the features are certainly far in the future if they come.

    However, there have already been a number of hotfixes that have reversed the changes made in patch 1.1.0:

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