Somalia issues ultimatum to Addis Ababa

Somalia issues ultimatum to Addis Ababa

Somalia will request the departure of Ethiopian soldiers from its territory if Addis Ababa does not return to its agreement with Somaliland, National Security Advisor Hussein Sheikh Ali announced on national television at the start of the week. In early January, Somaliland and Ethiopia signed an agreement providing for Addis Ababa to lease part of the Somaliland coastline in exchange for its recognition. To oppose this, Mogadishu is now giving an ultimatum.

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With our correspondent in Nairobi, Gaëlle Laleix

As long as Ethiopia violates our sovereignty, we cannot consider it an ally », writes Hussein Sheikh Ali on his X account. The Somali authorities are therefore calling for the withdrawal of Ethiopian soldiers by the end of the year.

This deadline coincides with the departure of ATMIS troops, the African Union peacekeeping mission. Three thousand Ethiopian soldiers are deployed in Somalia under this banner. Between 5,000 and 7,000 others are present under bilateral agreements. Everyone is affected by the Somali ultimatum.

Read alsoSomaliland: a quest for recognition

By threatening to withdraw Ethiopian troops, while they are crucial in the fight against Shebab terrorists, Somalia is playing double or nothing », Comments Gerritz Kurtz, researcher at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs.

In Addis Ababa for the moment, we are not commenting. Last weekend, the Ethiopian capital hosted the second Red Sea Dialogue Conference, organized by the Ethiopian Institute of Foreign Affairs. Its executive director, Jaffar Bedru, recalled on this occasion that Ethiopia remains the largest country in the region and that it plays a fundamental role for its security.

Read alsoEthiopia signs agreement with Somaliland to gain access to the sea
