solidarity with Ukrainian artists

solidarity with Ukrainian artists

In Austria, solidarity is organized for Ukrainian artists. A platform was quickly set up to welcome those wishing to leave Ukraine to join Austria. “Office Ukraine” puts them in touch with Austrian artists and cultural institutions: the aim is that they are housed but also that they can continue to practice their art.

With our correspondent in Vienna, isaure hiace

About 150 Ukrainian artists are currently hosted in Austria. Among them, Oksana Kravtsova. This director, who arrived in Vienna a month ago with her two children, found accommodation with an Austrian photographer thanks to “Office Ukraine”. With her, she plans to make a documentary about Ukrainians fleeing the war: “ Art is a means of healing, it helps to heal the artists who create but also the people who watch it. I, for example, want to make a film. I will do it with a team and we will interview Ukrainians so that they tell us their story and I believe that it could be a therapy for all those who will take part in this project. »


Supporting artists in times of war and their projects is vital, according to Larissa Agel of “Office Ukraine”: “Often people who had to flee suddenly have to do another job, we try to help them to be able to stay in this field because art is always important to express oneself, to digest certain things. And it’s a good way to engage. »

“Ukrainian Office” is supported by the Ministry of Culture, which has also announced 300,000 euros in aid for projects by Ukrainian artists.

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