solidarity and indignation of African heads of state

solidarity and indignation of African heads of state

Several African heads of state and government have expressed their solidarity with former US President Donald Trump, who was the victim of an assassination attempt on Saturday while he was giving a speech during a rally in the town of Butler, Pennsylvania.

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On the social network X (ex-Twitter), Cyril Ramaphosathe president of South Africa, denounced an assassination attempt “ which is a stark reminder of political extremism and intolerance ” He concluded by calling on American citizens and leaders to reject violence and seek peaceful solutions. Tinubu Ball from Nigeria, “ the attack on the former president Donald Trump is in bad taste. Nigeria stands in solidarity with the United States of America at this time ” he concluded.

The words are almost the same under a tweet from the King of Morocco, Mohamed VI, who says: having been shocked and deeply saddened by the horrific assassination attempt ” who targeted Donald Trump. The Moroccan sovereign also condemns violence in politics, while wishing a speedy recovery to the Republican candidate in the American presidential election.

Still on X, Bassirou Diomaye Faye from Senegal said: horrified by the heinous act against candidate Donald Trump. Universal democratic values ​​and the freedom of choice of the American people must not be silenced “, concluded the Senegalese president.

Read alsoDonald Trump assassination attempt: condemnations from Europe are unanimous
