Soldiers Ukraine put their hope in: “Forward, forward”

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After six months, the Russian advance in Ukraine has practically ground to a halt.

Instead of quickly occupying Kyiv, Kharkiv and Odessa – as Putin had surely hoped – something like trench warfare with locked positions is now underway.

In the southern part of the country, it is rather Ukraine that has made progress for a few weeks, and it is the soldiers on the front line east of the city of Mykolaiv that many in Ukraine have extra high hopes for.

Haven’t seen wife and kids in six months

One of the soldiers who is here, around 15 kilometers from the Russian positions, is called Mykola and has not seen his wife and children since the war began six months ago.

– Before the war, I drove a tractor. I never thought I would end up here. I worked in the fields making grain. But fate made me end up here, he says.

It is the soldiers in these areas who make the Ukrainians hope for the first time to retake a large city occupied by Russian troops.

And the strategy and goal are crystal clear.

– Forward, forward and only forward. Ukraine supports us. Kherson is Ukraine, says Ukrainian soldier Goscha.

In the player above: See the full report from the front in the war in Ukraine.
